A Long Drive

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The air was thick and dusty in the van. Cloaked in layers of darkness, I looked at my watch.


The world was dark and cold. The months following November wouldnt be kind.

I look to my companions. Meaw sat in the front next to Lucas, who was probably getting tired of driving. Ryker sat behind them, his arms wrapped arround Ash underneath Kevin's blanket. His feet were up and ash lay on his chest breathing slowly.

I sat next to Kevin. His face blank and lifeless as I was sure mine was. I looked at him. He wore black pants and a grey sweatshirt. His glasses lay on the seet next to us. In the bits of light, I could see his dyed blue bangs slowly had faded.

He turned his head when he saw i was staring at him.

"Yes?" He asked, not sounding like he cared.

I shrugged, "I.. are you ok?"

He shifted his body to face me," I've never been ok. This...," he gesture around the van," This is all just more shit to add to the list."

I nodded and began turning away when I felt his hand on my shoulder." Taylor, you're right about that girl. But thats going to be a stain on my conscience for a long time. Dont let his mom be on yours."

I smiled weakly, and turned back to the window. I bent over in the seat and awakened Thor from his nap, I needed something to hold. My small dog curled up in my arms. I looked into his big black eyes and saw and intelligence that told me he understood everything. I just held him closer and leaned my head on the window. The need for sleep hit me like a truck and soon I driffed off, hoping I'd wake up to hear the Second period bell ring.

It never did.


My head spun as the van came to a stop. It was Kevins turn to drive. Lazily he got up from beside me and moved twards the swinging doors. I stretch slightly, realizing Thor was still on my chest.

Looking out the window I saw the mountains. They where large from where we were parked. The trees drooped and the hills whistled in the wind.

The tops of the mountains where white with the first snow of the year. I longed for the days when Dad and I would ski. For sitting on my porch drinking Tea and Hot chocolates wity Ash. I sighed as the car sped into gear.

Thor's head poped up when Lucqs sat beside me. A few moments 0assed before the dark haired boy reached twards me.

"Um.." he started,"May I?"

I nodded and moved Thor twards his hand. When his ling nimble finges cam into contacts with my small dogs fur, he shivered. Thor was always soft, but probably softer than Lucas had expected.

"How are you handeling all of this?" I retracted my legs, allowing him to hold Thor.

He shrugged," My parents have dead for 11 years now, and my uncle was an asshole." He lifter his hand and rubbed the back of his neck," honestly im probably doing better than anyone in this car."

I looked to my friends. Meaw was asleepnon Ashs shoulder, and ryker road shotgun messing with a front compartment on the dashboard.

"Huh," I turned back to him,"Lucas.."



"Call me Luke."

I nodded, when my eyes met his I continued on,"Luke, where are your friends?"

" I dont have any."

Ha! That I knew to be a lie," You where on the football team."

He chuckled,"That doesnt mean anything."

"Oh! Yes it does! Why weren't yiu offering this van up to Cody or Timothy or Kohl!"

"Thoes guys are dicks."

Now we both laughed. A good real laugh. It lasted for a while, eventually making Ash turn her head. And then, sudently the van was alive with music.

Ryker had found the CD's. He turned it up and once it hit the second line I knew the song to be Radioactive.

Rykers voice rang through the van. He'd always had a nice voice. Then kevin stated singing, followed by Luke and me. Ash laughed and Meaw look really confused. We listed to countless songs from different genres and bands, all crammed into 3 homemade tracks.

At long last it was time for me to drive. Wed been trading off every 6 hours. And by now we should be in Colorado.

I turned to Luke,"Hold Thor for me will you? "

He smiled.

Climbing into the large vans drivers seat, I tried to get my bearings. I drove a truck, abd honestly how different could they be.


Ryker had to walk me through how to use a sick shift. After 15 minutes I felt comfortable. The road was still, no cars in front or behind us. As I drove down the highway, cars littered the sides of the road. Some on fire, some looking like crushed cans. I looked to the walls of the valley we drove through. It was deep in the Mesa and the colors looked alive in the early morning sun light.

I was almost drunk with the thoughts running through my head. We had all discussed a plan, and on this long, verry long ass ride I seamed to drift and think of that conversation.


My eyes shifted to the ground as tears ran down my cheeks. I watched her die. I didnt let Ryker save her. My parents died and I never got to say goodbye.
I sucked in a ragged breath. Ryker and Lucas had left to get the car. I sat neer Ash, whose tears matched my own.

"Lets go over the plan." Kevin said, obviously trying ti snap us out of the trance.

I wiped my tears away with my sleeve.
Forcing myself to breathe, I faced him.

"Once we get to the car, we drive to Ashs house," my voice was breaking,"Lucas and I go to my house, You and Ryker go to yours. Once we are all together we drive to Lucas house and transfer in to his van."

I started crying again. I couldnt take it, so instead of finishing, I let Kevin.

He placed his hand on my shoulder as i sobbed into my knees,"We head for Colorado. Take the highway past Mesa verde and head on into Texas. If all else we go to the Appalachians."

"TAYLOR!" Rykers shout sprung me fron my thought. Looking infront of me, I slammed on the breaks.

A baricade of cars and the dead stalked twards us.


So heres the next chapter, Once again i have some people i need to thank. Thank you Tylar for making the chaper photos! Thank you to Breck for editing! And thank you to Hope and Dean for finding this story and enjoying it!
( Ash and Ryker are based on Hope and Dean.)

Thank you to all who have read tgis and ill update more soon

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