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Ash was scared to shit when Taylor tackled her.

Her best friend had a nack for puting all her weight on bringing some one down. She was kinda lighter though.

After almost rolling into the fire and bitching about her hips. Ash hugged her red haired friend and smiled at the boy with her.

Taylor practically layed on the fire, paying no attention to the people surrounding her. Ash gave a nervous chuckle and kneed her in the side.

She looked up to see the new people surounding the dying fire.

Taylor stood and smiled.

"Hi," Ash turned to see a tall man standing across from the smoke.
"My name is Posi." He extended a hand to Taylor, who reached out and shook it,"we can do a more formal meeting tomorrow, but im sure you're hungry."

Ash felt Ryker grab her hand as Taylor and Lucas were led away.

She was tired, and hoped Taylor didnt take to long to eat.

The cots were comfortable when i sat down, resting my back against the long pole that was set up next to me.

Ash had gone to sleep a hour ago. In a separate bed from Ryker, that I had made sure of. I flung my blanket over her shoulders, making sure to not cover Lolas head.

I looked over at Thor. He raised his head to look at me, i wasnt really tired. So i leashed him and walked out into the night. It was still freezing, but i nestled into my dads old ski jacket. I walked past the trail that had lead is here. Past the last of the burning coles, and twards a long cliff. I could still see the camp, but it was nice to be alone. For there to be silence.

The loud wales from some far off zombie was the only noise. As i sat looking out across the hills, my mine racing. Today marked 2 weeks. Two weeks of living on the road, of killing monsters.

If youd asked me a month ago id have said id enjoy the apocalypse. That what we did now sounded like supernatural with only zombies. That the world would be better of it just ended.

But of course thoes had been lies, right?

The sun finally snuck over the mountain peeks arround what i assumed was 8. The tent was still freezing, but i forced myself up anyways. I slipped on me combat boots and dug arround in my bag for a sweatshirt. I found one and tugged it out, 'Walt Disney'  it said across the front. I pulled it to my chest cluching it. My dad wore it the day i was born. When the soft material slipped over my head, it was warm.

I sat on the ground and pulled the top half of my hair into a dutch brade, just to keep my greasy ass bangs out of my face. We'd ofcourse attempted to bathe, stopping in rivers and lakes to drench ourselves in freezing water, but hell I'd kill for a warm shower.

Stepping out of the tent I folded my arms across my chest and tried to hold some heat. I looked up, squinting through the rays of sun, to find Ryker and Lucas sitting on a log. I walked over to them, over hearing a conversation about French fries.

I smilled and sat down. The ground was cold but i made them move so i could Nestle between them.

"Where'd you go last night?" Ryker asked nudging me with his knee.

"Over there." I pointed to the ridgie slope,"yesterday made two weeks ya know."

"Yes!" Lucas said with a triumphant fist in the air,"two weeks and no math, even the apocalypse can be kind."

I chuckled, when a voice from beind be sounded.

"Hey! Speak for yourself." It was Ash, who was carring 3 plates and a bowl over to us. She handed me the bowl, and I looked to see mashed potatoes. She handed Ryker and Lucas a plate each, theirs topped with scrambled eggs.

"Sorry you have to eat last night's dinner Taylor, but seeing and youre allergic to eggs, I thought you wouldnt mind."

I smiled,"Mashed potatoes are perfect Ashy, thank you."

"Hey hows Meaw?" Lucas asked, his mouth stuffed with food.

"Shes good, the camp doctor took a look at her leg and said Taylor did well," Ash picked at the egg on her plate," It wont heal too pretty but the stitches were sound. "

I cringed a bit at thought. I remembered the exact moment i pushed a sewing needle through her skin. I remembered her passing out 1/4 of the way through. The blood was insane, but i had done it. Thank god for sewing lessons.

"She has Thor and Lola right now, Doctor says animals help the soul heal." Ash laughed,"oof, Taylor, when your done eating Posi wants the camp to meet you and Lucas. We got the introduction before dusk but yall got hear pretty late, soooooo"

I nodded,"of course."

20 minutes later the whole camp was gathered arround a steadily burning camp fire.

"Ok everyone! As you all heard Max brought two more survivors here yesterday. It was cold and no one really got to say any formalities. So, everyone its time for some introductions."

We were introduced to 11 people. A few military, and preferes to go by their last names.

Peter was first, a young man arround the same age as their leader Posi. He had short dyed bright red hair and a cocky smile. Next were the twins Belle and Angel. Belle had bright blonde hair and shared deep brown eyes with her sister. Angel on the other hand had tawny brown hair, and pale, pale skin.

Georgia, An older woman was next, her hair was short and brown. She flung a rifle over her shoulder and smiled before stalking back off into the woods.

Then there were Tarmac and Kiska. Two friends whod stumbped into the camp 3 days before us. They wore air force jackets and pants both labled with their names. Tarmac scowled and attempted to grin slightly before turning and leaving. Kiska however waved and bownded off after her friend.

Lastly there was Scott, and Vik. Scott had brown hair laced with highlights. His tan skinn was put off a thin scratch along his cheek and his cream colored jacked had a blood stain on the coller

Vik was the only one to talk to us. She had long black hair that was tied up in a pony. She smiled and emerald eyes peaked out from beneath long eyelashes. She had a diamond nose ring and a snake tatoo I could see curling up her shoulder.

"Welcome to our refuge."

Sorry for any mistakes ill fix them soon! Have a good rest of your day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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