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okAy so wHEN you read this you should listen to

so broken (live) - björk

bc it goes with the chapter and it's just a great song tbh, it'll be on the side if you're on a computer or at the top of this chapter on mobile for you all :)

oH and back to edens pov!

okok let get on with the story


I feel like I'm being too dramatic, and I should let Matt explain himself. But there's something that used to be inside of me that seems to be missing, or broken.

So, terribly, broken.

And that piece of me is my love for Matt. I still love Matt, but that piece seems to be so broken and twisted it doesn't know what it wants. I want to stay away from him, I don't want him to harm me, I don't want to lose my trust.

But the other part of that broken piece wants him to hold me once again, to place my head in the crook of his neck while he hugged me tightly and told me that everything was going to be alright. I want to look into his brown eyes full of love and I want him to tell me this is all a bad dream. That I'll wake up again in Pittsburgh where I used to live, as if none of this had happened.

But there's something so real about Matt, while the world is black and white, he's the only color. Everyone painted themselves the same colors so they could fit in, and Matt mixed the colors. He stood out in a crowd, but it wasn't in a good way, or was it?

Back in the school, I wanted to have Matt tell me what really happened. I tried hard to not cry in front of him, I tried hard to not run out, but I couldn't stop myself. I missed the boy that couldn't see that he was lovely. I miss the boy I could trust.

That's what happens when you get to know someone, you find out their darkest secrets, you find out you didn't love them, you fell in love with the act they put up to get close to you, only to hurt you.

Matt runs out and I quickly hide behind the bushes before he looks around and calls out, "EDEN!" his voice cracking halfway through my name.

I don't know what to feel, pain,

or love.

"EDEN!" he calls out a few more times, and I see him looking around for me. I want to run up to him, hugging him so tightly.

"I'm sorry." he says quietly. "Just let me explain myself!"

"Please." he cries, "Please, please, please." he falls to his knees, his voice getting quieter and quieter before he starts sobbing.

I stand up from behind the bush, and brush off any dirt on my dress. He looks so fragile, sitting there, his face buried in his hands, like a stick of TNT lit from both ends. I quietly walk over to him, crouching down so I am at the same level as him. I hold his chin in my hand and lift it up to look at me, releasing it from his hands. His eyes shine beautifully in the pale moonlight, they look so upset.

"I'm sorry." he says, before hugging me tightly and crying. He lets go from the hug, and we both stand up. "I do, I really, really do, love you." he says, and I can tell by the way he's looking at me, he means it.

"Matt..." I look him in the eyes so dearly, "Why would you do something, so terrible?"

"I didnt."

"Then why does everyone hate you?!"

"I dont know."

"Stop telling me lies! Matt, please, just tell me the truth for once."

"I didn't touch her. She spread that rumor, I don't know. Just one day, everyone started to hate me for something I didn't do."

"How can I trust you?"

"You have the ability to sense or know higher truth."


ha bet you thought i actually am very deep and inspirational

that last part was actually on a fortune cookie i had yesterday

but anyway thank you so much for over 2k reads and almost 200 votes!

tbh i though this story was gonna get like 2 reads wow

ily all and stay safe :) xx

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