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"Matt. What happened that year?" I ask him.

His brown eyes look up at me, staring right into mine, and then go straight back to the floor. He breathes out, and shakes his hand to calm his nerves. "Sophomore year, I was a 'bad boy'," he laughs,"Very reckless, I guess. I could get the whole cheer squad in one night. When Bella was raped, she told Chase that it was me, when I hadn't ever laid a finger on her. He confronted me about it, but back then he was scrawny, and he wouldn't stand a chance against me. Chase attempted at attacking me, but I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the locker. It wasn't a surprise that half the school was watching, and if you weren't there, someone would tell you. So I was known as a rapist, yet somehow no one told the teachers or the cops. I had no one, left, except for Carter. But Carter ended up moving halfway through that summer."

When he talked about Carter, I could see hurt in his eyes, he missed him. I know what it was like though. I know what it's like to work everything up, and have the closest friends, and have it all, ripped away from you.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" he asks, his eyes wide.

"For not trusting you."

"It's okay." he leans in and kisses me softly, before saying, "Do you want to go back in?"

"Okay." I say, smiling.


The rest of the night was a blur.

And no, I didn't get drunk.

It all just went by so fast, and have you ever gotten that feeling where you're watching everything happening, but you can't control yourself? That's what it felt like. It all went by so fast. We danced, we laughed until we cried, we kissed, and now we're at his house.

His car pulls up into the driveway, and he gets out. Matt walks to the other side and opens the door, bowing in front of me, smiling.

"Thank you, Mr. Espinosa." I laugh.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Espinosa." he smirks.


"What? Would you not want to get married to me?"

"No! I just-"

"You just what?" Matt crosses his arms, with a fake upset expression on his face.

"Oh my gosh, stop playing with me." I playfully hit his arm as he laughs.

"Okay, let's go in." he says, putting his arm around my shoulder as we walk up the front steps to his house. He pulls a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door.

Most of the lights are off in his house, and it is very quiet, so I assume his family is asleep.

"Shhh..." he whispers, a finger brought to his lips. I nod, and we quietly tip toe upstairs to his room.

He flips the light switch, igniting the room. He grabs a TV remote from his nightstand and presses the power button before jumping onto his bed. The television shows a football game, and Matt pats the bed, gesturing for me to sit next to him.

"Matt, aren't you uncomfortable? And I will be too if I stay in this dress."

He looks up in realization and stands up, "You're right." Matt walks over to his closet and opens it, revealing his clothes. He slips a red OBEY hoodie off the hanger and hands it to me, along with a folded pair of boxer shorts.

"The bathroom's down the hall, or you can change in here, I won't care." he smirks, and I playfully hit his arm.


"Okay, okay!" he laughs, his hands up in surrender.

"I'll be back." I smile at him before leaving the room and walking down the eerily quiet hallways towards the bathroom. I flip the light switch and it illuminates the room. I slip off the dress and change into Matt's hoodie and the boxer shorts. I look in the mirror and see that there is makeup still caked on my face. I run my hands under the sink to get them wet, and try to get most of it off. After that, I gently undo the braids of my hair, the waves of hair sit on my shoulders, and I take the flower crown off of my head. Matt knocks at the bathroom door.

"What's taking so long?" he whines.

"I'm a girl, Matt." and I hear him groan. "Don't worry, I'm done." I say, and open the door smiling at him.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him as we walk back to his room. Matt closes the door before hopping into his bed, and I sit next to him.

"What do you wanna watch?"

"Something not horror." I look at him seriously.

"Okay.. Human Centipede?"

"Ew! No!" I yell, smacking his arm.

"I know, I know!" he laughs, "and shh... family's asleep."

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"It's fine. How about American Hor- oh, nevermind."

"Actually, yeah. That's the only horror thing I'll watch."

"Okay." he says, grabbing the remote and turns on Netflix. He scrolls through recently watched and starts the middle of Season 1, where we left off.

Matt wraps his arms around me, and I lay my head on his chest. I was extremely tired and I couldn't help but closing my eyes, and quickly drifting off to sleep.



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