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Kingston, New York

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Kingston, New York

November 25, 2018


What is she hiding that she's so scared about? Just by looking at her I know somethings wrong.

I shouldn't feel this way.

Hazel's eyes widened as she stopped in her tracks, her gaze drifting towards Ash as he sat in his car. A scowl had etched its way onto his face as he looked at the girl standing on the sidewalk. "What?" She asked into the freezing wind, her arms folding in an attempt to warm herself from the bitter cold.

"Get in the car Hazel," Ash spoke, his hand already reaching for the release on his seatbelt. If she wouldn't get in the car he would put her there, and then drive her home. Ash found that he cared too much about her well being than would've preferred.

He was an assassin, not some teenage boy who could have a love interest.

Hazel skeptically eyed the car, before she took a few steps forward, rounding his car to get inside of the warm vehicle. Her lips had tightened into a thin line as she sat, her backpack resting on the floor near her feet, along with her copy of The Da Vinci Code.

Ash's vibrant green eyes peered over at the blonde who clearly didnt want to be within his car. He wasn't going to allow her to freeze as she went home, and by her small anxious actions, he began to speculate as to what was going on with her.

Her hands often pulled down the sleeves of her sweater, while her eyes never drifted over to him. Ash rolled up the window once again, before beginning to drive in the direction away from the high-school.

"Where do you live?" He asked, his black hair falling over his forehead as he glanced over at the silent girl in his front seat. It wasn't like he needed her direction, he knew exactly where she lived, the home she had grown up in. She however, didn't know that.

"Abbey Street." Hazel responded in a small voice, her fingers resting against the cool glass. All she could think about, was what would happen as soon as she got home.

There were only two possibilities; one, her father would be passed out drunk, or two, her father would be awake, and drunk. He would await the arrival of his teenage daughter, who knew it was against the rules to be late.

Ash nodded silently, taking the roads slow, as they quickly became icy. Now that she was in the car, he wouldn't
jeopardize her safety in any way, even though he had the feeling something was happening in that house of hers.

A pack of cigarettes sat within the cupholder, along with a lighter that was black. Hazel's eyes drifted around the car, she noticed every aspect if the car was either black or a grey chrome. He was dressed in all dark colors, and dark lines on his skin peaked out from under the leather jacket he wore.

Tattoos. Ash had gotten dozens over a few years, they mostly decorated his arms.

"Did you even think to bring a coat?" Ash asked into the silence within the car, his eyes meeting with her own for a moment. He forgot how warm her hazel eyes were.

She looked down, her hands sitting under her thighs in an attempt to warm them up. "I didn't think it was going to snow this hard." Hazel spoke softly, avoiding his piercing eyes as she sat in his front seat.

She knew of him, everyone knew of him, but no one knew him fully. Ash was a closed book, one she believed she would never open.

Ash sucked on his teeth for a moment as his hands carefully turned the wheel, steering them onto the main street, desolate from the intense winter storm.

"You would've frozen Hazel," He declared, avoiding her eyes this time, keeping them on the road. He cared too much for his liking over his blonde sitting in his car.

Closer than she had ever been to him before.

Hazel eyed the clock on the dash, her heart thumping against her ribs harshly, she was more than late. Her father would do... Well, whatever he pleased.

"I would've been fine." She fired back, her hazel eyes alight with slight annoyance at the teen driving her home. Hazel had gotten this far in her life without anyones help, she surely didn't need him.

Ash's hands tightened around the wheel, the leather groaning softly as they drove down to the other side of town, where Hazel lived.

Her repeated actions made Ash nervous, there was something about her that didn't sit well with him, he just didn't know. It appeared she had no external injuries, but she was also gone for three days without any explanation.

Hazel Williams was hiding something, but so was Ash Venator.

The snow had begun to melt in her blonde hair, causing it to dampen the short lengths. Oh, how Ash wished he could run his fingers through the golden hair.

The ride was mostly silent, until Hazel started directing Ash towards her home. Always a left turn, then a right turn, until they wound up on Abbey Street.

"You can stop here." She spoke suddenly, while his foot lowered on the brake softly, parking on the side of the road in front of a house Ash knew wasn't hers. She lived two houses down. "Um, thank you for the ride. Get home safe." Hazel said as she grabbed her backpack, and exited the vehicle where Ash sat, his green eyes watching as she walked down the sidewalk hurriedly.

Then he figured it out. She was late.

He waited until she entered through the door of her two bedroom cottage.

Just as he was about to pull away from the curb, his analytical gaze caught the green cover on the floor. She had forgotten her book.

Was it a sign?

Ash pushed his car into park as he held the tattered book within his calloused hand, then pulled his key from the ignition.

He was going to find out what was happening in that house of hers.

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