3 Demons, an Angel, and a Monk

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"It has been a struggle living as a demon again, but Jesse has been some sort of a good luck charm through it all. He makes me feel calm. These passed two months Jesse has shown me that living as a demon isn't as hard as it looks. When we are together I feel like I can relax and not worry about what I look like. For the most part my time with him has been good. We have both been taking jobs from time to time and it has been making us some good money. We can pay rent on time and go out to eat as normal. We are living better than I thought we would. I'm happy."


"Hey Hanz, I'm home." Jesse said closing the door. "Damn, were makin bank! If we keep this up we might be able to afford a bigger place."

"That's good love." Hanzo said in a deep voice.

Jesse turned and saw Hanzo in his demon form.

"Darlin, what are you doing?"

"I've kept my human form for to long love. You have helped me to see that this side of me can be embraced."

McCree looked at him strangely.

"What is it?"

"Your fat ass is taking up half the goddamn room."

Hanzo chuckled.

"Please, I know you do not mind my...fat ass."

Jesse blushed. Hanzo chuckled at him.

"You're fuckin insufferable when you're in a good mood."

"At least I made dinner." Hanzo said pointing to the counter. There was a plate of spaghetti on it. Jesse sighed and smiled.

"Thanks darlin."

"You deserve it after 'such a long day at work'." Hanzo said sarcastically.

"Hey it's hard work."

"Come kiss me cowboy." Hanzo said smiling.

Jesse shook his head and walked to the edge of the bed grinning at Hanzo. Hanzo leaned in making sucking noises towards McCree's lips.

"Watch the fangs babes."

Hanzo retracted his fangs and gently sucked Jesse's upper lip.

"Hm, I guess one could also get used to ya bein in a good mood. I kinda like it."

"Get used to it sugar, because I want to become more positive about this side of me."

The next night McCree and Hanzo went to the cafe. Jesse saw the same hooded figure at the bar again. He whispered to Hanzo.

"Hey Han, he's back."

Hanzo peeked over his shoulder to get a glimpse of the figure.

"Who is he?"

"I dunno, but he's been following us since last week. It's time to get to the bottom of this."

Hanzo looked at him worryingly ad grabbed his arm as he was standing.

"Jesse don't!" Hanzo whispered.

McCree escaped his grip and walked to the bar where the figure sat. McCree quickly sat down and pulled out his gun and pointed it at the figures thigh. When it hit the figure's leg it made a clanking sound. McCree stared curiously. The figure grunted a bit trying not to make a scene. There was some sort of veil over their face. Jesse stared curiously.

"Wait a minute." Jesse said leaning in. "Out side, now."

The figure took their rine as they got up from the bar. Jesse put his gun away but kept his hand hovering over the holster. He followed him out of the cafe. Hanzo saw this and got out of the booth to follow him. Jesse led the figure into an alley way. Jesse pulled his gun out again threatening the figure.

2 Demons (McHanzo Fanfiction) 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now