It's Time

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"So those two had a child? I did not know that?"

"It was a damn secret to everyone, but he won't be causin problems for anyone anymore."

"Still, how could a child find us? I thought we cloaked our tracking devices."

"Yeah, but the kid was the son of a professional hacker. He's gotta have some experience."

"I suppose you're right. I just hope we don't have any more people after us."

"As long as Overwatch still thinks I'm dead I think we'll be ok."

Genji nodded to McCree and looked at his brother in the bed. He sighed through his mask. Angela walked in with some medical supplies. Genji turned to her.

"Angie, when do you think he'll be awake?"

"It's hard to say dear. It could be weeks, even months, but...n-nevermind."

"But?" McCree pressed.

"I-it's nothing." Angela studdered.

McCree slammed his hand on the arm of the chair.

"But what Angela?!"

Angela looked at him a bit frightened, but sighed sadly. Genji turned to her and listened.

"Hanzo. He cannot be on life support forever."

Jesse stared in shock. Of course he knew that, but he didn't want to hear it. He sighed leaning back and putting his face into his hand.

"Don't cry, damn it." He said to himself.

He tried hard to hide his face. Genji too was scared. He hid his emotions behind his mask, bit his hand came forward. It grabbed Hanzo's motionless wrist tightly. Genji's shaky hand had a firm grip as he tried not to wimper through his mask. Angela put a hand to his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Genji."

"There is still time. He'll wake up. He is strong."

Deep down Jesse wanted to believe that. It was all he had left. He failed to protect his husband and now he had to wait and see if he would ever wake up from it. Jesse thought to himself in silence for a second before walking outside to smoke. So many thoughts filled his mind. He missed Hanzo's brave smile and enthusiasm. He even missed the times Hanzo had to set him strait. He regreted some decisions. Jesse wished it was different, that he had made different choices so this didn't happen. He blew out a puff of smoke. This reminded McCree of the time Hanzo and him were on a Steakout. Winston had texed Jesse to hold out until the ships arrived with back up and to not drink anything, but he didn't listen. That night Hanzo and him finished a bottle of booze as they watched the warehouse in the distance. They left the scanners on for anyone coming in or out that night. McCree felt his chest getting tight. His face tensed up. Jesse felt himself starting to cry. He brought his hand to his nose.

"No, don't cry damn it. You gotta be strong for him." McCree thought to himself. Tears nearly came down his face as he stood up. He went back inside to get a drink. Genji was already sitting in the hospital lounge with a bottle of Saké on ice.

"Y'know I think it tastes better hot."

Genji looked up at McCree. McCree grinned sitting next to him. He leaned over.

"At least that's how Hanzo drank it."

McCree stared at the floor for a minute. He peered over his shoulder at Genji.

"What else they got here?"

"I think Angela has a bottle of Swiss whiskey in the hospital kitchen."

McCree nodded and headed towards the kitchen. He went in surprised to see that Angela had gotten to the bottle first. She leaned against jer hand on the table with a glass of the whiskey in her other hand. The bottle sat in front of her. She opened her eyes to see Jesse walk in.


"Sorry you have to see me like this. I guess I am just worried that I cannot help Hanzo." Angela said.

"I know the kinda mess that plants a person in solitude with nothin but a bottle to keep em company, and I know that nice words and a pat on the back ain't enough to clear it from your head."

Angela sighed.

"Can I pour you a glass?"

McCree grinned and nodded. They shared the bottle of whiskey before Angela decided to go try and sleep. McCree found himslef going into the room Hanzo layed in. He sat down on the couch close to the medical bed. He hated seeing Hanzo like this.

"I dunno if you can hear me Hanz, but I gotta tell you somethin. to come back. None of this I'll try nonsense. I need you to come home. I can't imagine a world without you, sugarbean, so it's important that you wake up. For the both of us."

McCree stood up and crawled into the hospital bed with Hanzo. He cried himself to sleep that night barely able to close his eyes. He was with Hanzo, but he still felt his absence. He missed seeing his beautiful eyes every morning. He missed the flustered remarks. He missed the bravery. He missed the talks at bars and coffee shops. He missed watching late night movies on the couch with him. Several months had gone by and Hanzo had not waken from his death-like slumber. Then it was time. The day everyone hoped would never have to come. Mercy had to take Hanzo off of life support. McCree never showed up to tell Hanzo goodbye, but Angela refused to do it before McCree could say a few words. Genji had already said his goodbyes. Angela had to forcefully get him out of the room. He cried, a lot. Genji couldn't bare to see his brother go all because of some dumb kid with a thirst for revenge. It rained that day. McCree sat outside on a curb watching cars and people stroll by with umbrellas. The rain dripped off his hat and fell into his lap. He stared at the cold wet ground. He heard Angela's heals and the rain falling on her umbrella behind him. She tried to control her sobs as she spoke.

"Jesse. Please. You must say something."

McCree froze as if he didn't hear her.

"I can't just stand by and pull the plug while you haven't said goodbye."

She gasped at the sound of him whimpering in the rain. He sobbed loudly. Angela walked up putting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's time."

"He.....he didn't do it."

Angela looked down at him confused. Darkness filled McCree's face. She had no idea what he meant by that. Angela managed to get McCree to stand and he finally went inside. Jesse stood at the foot of the bed gazing at Hanzo.

"I'll give you two some privacy." Angela said closing the door.

McCree's firm hands rested on the foot of the bed. His grip tightened.

"Why? Was it too much to ask darling? couldn't wake up? Just for me? Even just for a bit?"

These past few months McCree had helped Angela take care of Hanzo while he was in a coma. He cleaned his hair. He fed him. He changed his clothes and made sure he was comfortable, but now.

"Was it all for nothing Hanz? Did my love I'm so sorry. I wish you didn't have to leave so soon. I wanted us to cherrish our new moments where I could call you my husband, but I....I guess those dreams have long been burned. I-I love you...Hanzo McCree Shimada. I am yours and no one elses. Goodbye, best friend."

Tears fell into the sheets at the foot of the bed. Hanzo layed peaceful at the top of Jesse's gaze. Angela walked in.

"Jesse? It's time."

"No, just wait a-"


McCree shoved Angela's hands away, but it was time for her to take off the life support. She tried to pull McCree away from the bed,  ut of corse he was stronger. He shouted and cried out to Hanzo as she pulled him away from the bed. He reached out to him, but it was no use. He knew it was time for Hanzo to go. Angela locked the door and shakily pulled the plug. The monitor slowly stopped beeping. The line read flat.

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