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I was awoken to Wendy sitting next to me. Thank you for getting me free. I smiled and hugged her, I felt a bit guilty over the fact that she lost her memory and reunited with her brothers. Felix walked up to me and said, It's time to gather supplies for Pan and the Lost boys. I took one last glance at Wendy and said goodbye. Felix put a hand out and gentlemanly brought me into the jungle. We haven't been alone in a while, He said with a smile. I smiled and grabbed his hand. He handed me a sword, Thanks..I said. No problem, He replied. He stared at my palm and said, No more Dreamshade.....No, I scoffed. Rumplestiltskin gave me a elixer to fully cure the Dreamshade. I know, I told him to because i was going to be in prison for a while....I didn't want you to die out of my hands....He glanced down at his feet. What?...I said softly. He shyly smiled and i stood up to kiss his cheek. We held hands together and continued walking.....When i heard a lost girl would be coming, I thought that was crazy..Then i met you and everything changed...I got these weird feelings for you, He said with a smile. Then Pan fell in love with you and stole your heart. Hey, If it makes you feel any better....This lost girl isn't too lost now that she has two bad-ass hotties on her ass 24/7. He laughed and said, Yeah..That's right. He looked up at the sky, There were stars everywhere........All over the sky, like a canopy of sparkles. He put an arm around my shoulder and said, What a beautiful night,...Like it's ever daylight here at all......He laughed and leaned in closer to my face. He flexed his lips out to kiss me. I froze and leaned back. I stepped a couple feet away, Hey...I didn't mean it like that. Sure you didn't.....I walked up to him and slapped him. I put my arms around him, Hugging him. I kissed him on the cheek and he smiled. So,..Now what?  Let's keep going, I said. Okay, He smiled and unclasped my cloke. Not like that, I laughed. I elbowed him in the rib cage. We continued walking. Felix took out a list of things and read over them. Pixie dust, Fruit, water, firewood. He took a sack and bag out, He handed me a bag. Your job is to collect firewood. We passed by a burnt tree and pulled the branches off. He took out his dagger and stripped the bark off, Holding pieces of wood. Check, He said. Second, We had to collect water. He took me to the entrance and took out a flask. He screwed the top secure. Why are we doing this...I whined...    tumblr_lw7y1awTND1r2frpq                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   He smiled and said, Hey...Don't look at me, You decided to join the home office, You follow Pan's orders. Come on, He said playfully and wrapped an arm around my waist. We are having fun, Aren't we? I gave a seriously glare look and his smile faded. He tightened his grip on my torso and rested his head against mine while continuing to walk. We found an apple tree, See....This looks like fun..He pulled an apple and sexually bit into it.......                                                 tumblr_m49j4h2cmR1r0t7dko1_500                 

He threw me one and i glanced at it. I bit my lip and threw it at him. Hey! He shouted and tackled me. That's not very nice, He chuckled. You should be punished for that darling, His mouth was so close to mine it wasn't even funny. His breath held the scent of juice. My eyes widened at the sight,....


He leaned in and kissed me on the lips like he was waiting to do it for a long time......                                  tumblr_mlz0rz9bqm1rkfygyo1_500                 


 Check, He whispered and jumped off me.......Last, The pixie dust.

Well Pixie Dust is left, He said. We walked to Pan's thinking tree area and found a tall tree with growing buds of pixie dust. He got downn on one knee and said, Let me get you a boost.....What? I gasped. The tree shook. (A/N: Sound familar?) Fine.....God, You can be sooo stubborn little lady, He chuckled. I groaned and jumped onto his back. ''W-Whaaa'' He gasped. I held onto the branches and sat, Pulling flower buds of dust off..........We'll let Pan fill the amulet's later. There....Were done...Finally! We both said at the same time. He both laughed. He put his arm around me and said, Let's go home......................***

Lost Love- Felix Peter Pan Fanfic (OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now