I'm Sorry

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Did you get the stuff? Pan asked. Yes  Felix said and handed him the bag. Pan searched through the bag and said, Where's the pixie dust? Felix sighed and handed him a satchel. Pan opened it and held the flower buds in his palm. Excellent, He said. He put them back in and hid it in his jacket. Come on, I have something to show you two. He waved his palm at us. I took one look at Felix and he shrugged. We followed Pan. He took us to Skull Rock. What are we doing here? Felix panted. Nothing, Pan said with a smile. I just wanted to see you work your ass off and be alone with her for a bit. I'm sick of looking at those little brats all day. Felix's jaw dropped and shook his head. See you later, Felix said and kissed my cheek. Pan gave a devilish look and glanced at me. I wanna talk...Alone. I trembled and watched his face, He was very casual and firm, He looked serious.....He walked up to me and i said while shaking..''W-What a-are we g-going to talk about?'' It's not about what,..But where....He whispered. He slapped me on the back and said, Follow me. He led me to a shore and and sat on a log. He waved his arm out and said, Sit with me?  I joined him and said, What is it? You are the lost girl i have been searching for all this time, He said. When i first met Wendy she was eager to come to Neverland, And all the lost boys thought of her as an mother/friend....But she wasn't the one i was meant to find.....Until i met you. His eyes drifted off to my thighs. He reached into his jacket and pulled out the sketch. He pointed at it and said, I never expected you to be my lost girl....I am terribly sorry for keeping you locked in a box for over a century. But i can't believe it took me this long to find you and i'm sorry for everything....This picture represents my love.....I know it..He smiled. I knew you when you lived in London...You were always alone, I liked that about you. Your good at surviving. He smiled and kissed my neck. The light from the tide flashed on his face as he stared at me. He put his palm on my knee and started to rub it fiercely. I bit my lip and froze. I'll stop if you wan't me to. (A/N: Wow...that's a change..XD) No, I said. He rested his hand on my lower back and pulled me against him. He kissed me....                                                    


He wrapped one arm around my neck and kissed the back near my ear. He whispered, I love you. He tugged on my top, Pulling me closer. We un-hooked and he rubbed his lips..Ashamed....        


Remember when i drowned? A mermaid saved me, Her name was Ariel......She said she was looking for a girl who came from Neverland and hung around in Gold's shop during the return of Henry, He smiled. This time, It wasn't Belle she was talking about.... She thinks it was you. I froze, Why does she want to see me? Uh..who knows,..She said something about a ''witch'', Every resident of Storybrooke lost their memories.....They don't know how they got there....Rumple has gone missing...Baelfire went missing un-expected...I widened my eyes at the news and gasped, ''You didn't tell me....You didn't tell me ANYTHING!''I shouted. '''C-Calm down little lost girl...'' Stop! Pan, You lied to me!!! 

I...Was simply trying to protect you from heartbreak and endless torment...He said softly.....                        tumblr_n400p5bZsK1sjcg5bo7_r1_    

And this isn't either of them! I sarcastically shouted. It's too late, He said dark with a dash of sympathy...                                          tumblr_mxvn3xs7cz1rpwoi9o2_250   

I don't trust the Dark One off it's leash,..He could run into you and hurt you....Or the witch could do anything to hurt you......Promise me you won't try to leave without my permission.....                   tumblr_inline_mw1de08fg41rw8cq

He held out his hand....I glanced down at his palm, There's no way i'm gonna stay here while Henry's family are needing my help. I sighed and shook his hand. He smiled....                                         HenryPan_gif_3                    

Very good, He said. When we got back to campgrounds Felix looked motivated and determined. Pan grabbed my shoulder and said, I'll be back in a minute. Felix walked up to me fast. I overheard you and Pan talking, What?! I said softly. Shhhh....He put a hand over my mouth and reached into his cloke. He held out a small wallet sized satchel. He showed me a magic bean...This can open a portal, You can go to Storybrooke and save everyone....You have more power than you think.....He kissed my forehead,...                       


He hugged me tighter than he ever did before........His arms embraced around me and he sobbed into my shoulder....It was like from a movie........                                   tumblr_mrkotd9QOJ1sxea2ro1_500  

You know,...When the other immediately pulls one another into a embrace.............      


Pan came back and raised an eyebrow,......                   tumblr_mxvk41O3YO1rt5ctno1_250                

What's all the commotion about? He asked. Nothing, Felix said while rolling his eyes and mocking Pan's eyebrows. Good luck, He whispered.....         tumblr_n7b8amkah81tckcvbo1_250

I giggled and my face turned red. I glanced back at Felix and he smiled...                               tumblr_n7b8amkah81tckcvbo2_250              

I walked up to Pan, Smiling and blushing from Felix's words and impressions. Pan had such a look of envy.......         tumblr_mxvk41O3YO1rt5ctno2_250   

Uhhhhh...''Can i go take a walk?'' Sure, He smiled. I left into the jungle and avoided the lost Boys. I ran to the entrance only to find Pan standing there. You really think it would be that easy? No-one gets off this island without my permission.......            tumblr_inline_mxtlg14da61srt7r      

Stay here, On the island with me...Neverland will be your home, no-one can hurt you. I'm sorry, I said. I threw the bean and jumped into a new world............***

Lost Love- Felix Peter Pan Fanfic (OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now