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*Flashback*(Neverland A very long time ago)...

By the orders of Pan, You must participate in a game, A really fun game. A lost boy said. Baelfire argued back and said, He shouldn't force you to put yourself out there and risk your life in some silly game! It's his island, We follow his rules. The boy nodded to the boy next to him. Besides, You love heroism Bae, You sacrificed your life for a family who doesn't even love you. You take that back! Bae shouted. The boy smirked and said, If you can't take this,..How are you gonna handle what Pan has in store for you?...Ask him yourselves, Bae retorted. A lost boy threw Bae a sword and he fought with the cocky boy. Not bad, Pan said from a distance. But wouldn't it be more fun with a game of target practice,...Lets say, A girl in distress?.... My eyes widened, I had no idea what Pan had in store for me and i didn't like it. Bae froze and glanced over to me. Pan gave me a wicked grin and next thing i know, Felix's hands are breaking the locks off. He rested his hands on my waist and picked me up, Carrying me off to a log. He took out some rope and tied my wrists together, Then my ankles. He shot me a sad glance and rested an apple on-top of my head. 

Pan threw Bae a crossbow he widened his eyes. What's this for? Target Practice...Pan smirked and pointed at me. I gulped and closed my eyes, trembling. No, I won't do it! Bae shouted and picked up is sword, If you wanna play you better get through me first! Felix sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. The other lost boy threw Pan a sword and he fought with Baelfire. Gracefully and obedient...Bae won the battle. Pan was very pleased. You have bravery and heroism Bae...I'm impressed. The lost boys cheered and grabbed me by the arms,...I reached out my hand for Felix and he shook his head as the lost boys threw me in my cage while Pan grinned in Amusement......

*Storybrooke (Present Day)*

How do you know for sure that Baelfire is alive? He could have been took by a flying monkey..Regina said. I saw him the other day upstairs..I said. Emma interrupted me..No,..He disappeared a few days ago..He said he went to go look for his father because he owed it to him for finding him his whole life. Where could this wicked witch be??? The last we saw her was in Gold's shop,..David glanced at me. All we know she was in a hooded cloke....Emma said. Ten what are we going to do? Henry's not safe here with this witch around..Regina snapped. Regina's right, Henry's not safe here, Emma said. Go take him for ice cream,..But don't tell him what's up..I don't want to scare him..It's hard enough to keep this a secret form him..Bad enough....She glanced at Hook. Oh now look who's lying..Regina said. Yeah, Just don't break his heart...Okay?  I am well aware about our relationship now since he had the experience of NYC. He's a little bratty,..Since he's......Growing up, She mumbled. I gotta go,..Mary Margaret has a mid-wife over that she wants me to meet. David said. Quite demanding isn't she?...Emma glared at Hook. I meant the mid-wife...***

Me and Pan were at Mary Margaret's...I was cleaning her house for her because she was feeling woozy from the baby. When are we going home? Pan whined. Not now,...I retorted. A plate dropped and cracked. Shit! I shouted. Here i got it,..Pan said and waved his palm across the broken glass. It was fixed in a instant...You know you didn't have to do that..I muttered. I know, I just wanted to..He smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully and rested it on the counter. Mary Margaret came down the staircase..Lost Girl! How does this look?! Trust me,..You look fine..I smiled. 

Zelena! Snow! Zelena came into the room and hugged Snow. Zelena opened her eyes and saw me. Oh, Who is this?....Pan wasn't in the room at the moment so he wasn't here to translate my name for our guest. Lost girl, Snow smiled. Oh,..How lovely to meet you, She held out her hand. I'm Zelena. Hi,..I said and shook her hand....***

No! She laughed. He caught you in a net? Well i just robbed his carriage! She retorted. He he,..You two have quite a love story...The door opened. Well speak of the handsome devil,..Zelena rubbed her skirt.. Zelena this is David..Oh Mr. Nolan.. So lovely to meet you..She smiled.  

So well your here, Let's get this started....Snow smiled while mumbling..You sound like lets get this finished...N-No..I mean..I'm here let's do this...David, You should go make some tea... No, No, No,..Let me go make you some tea...After all that's what i'm here for...To make your life as easy as possible....She turned on the stove...Isn't she wonderful, She whispered. I glared at her,..There was something off about her, I had a gut-feeling. Yeah,..She seems perfect...David and Snow started whispered. She brought out mugs of tea,...Here you go...I hope camilla is okay,..It helps the nerves...Here you go...She slid a mug over to me. Perfect...Snow said. David seemed willing for a drink. I reached for my mug and leaned in for a drink...Of course,..You've already been through labor once... I'm sure he'll keep in mind the second compressed much faster than putting it..Milady seem to have gone from zero to duty....My lips pressed against the mug and the door slammed open.....Pan came in and snatched the mug from me...DON'T DRINK THAT!!! He tossed the mug and threw it across the room. ''P-Pan..'' What???...Zelena jumped and glanced at Pan. She smiled...Well,..This was interesting..David said...I gotta go...***

The rest of the day me and Pan sat in the back...Who is she???..Pan asked..She's the mid-wife..Why? Nothing..He said and looked away...

It was lovely to have met you... Thank you for having me is your guest...I'm very lucky,..No,...Were the lucky ones, She glanced at me at me and Pan...Well that wen't well,..Don't you think? Yeah,..It went well...Zelena seems very sweet...I added. Yeah, She smiled. We were interrupted by Emma and the gang. Get dressed, Emma walked up to me, Get dressed....Pan looked up at me and Emma and sighed.....***

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