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I awoke on Mary Margaret's sofa, I grabbed my jacket and Pan stiffened in his position..Where are you going? He asked. Granny's Diner...Emma and the gang are teaming in for a group session. Hey, Pan grabbed my arm..You know you don't have to help them...I narrowed my eyes at him and held my mouth open to speak but he interrupted me, I didn't mean it like that. Why are you helping them? They're family..especially Henry..I can't let him down, I'm one of his heroes. Pan sighed, Baby..Hmmm..? I asked.

Be careful....He warned...            


His adams apple moved as he gulped when i said i will...and closed the door.....***

I opened the door to Granny's Diner and David cracked a smile, Hey...Girl, He said. Hey, I replied and sat in a diner chair. Sleep well? Snow asked with a smile. Uhh..Yeah, I shyly said and rested my head against the table. It was awkward with them...a bit, They were almost like my long-lost grandparents are something.....

Emma came into Granny's and Gran spoke up, If you want privacy make it quick, Leroy doesn't like anything between him and his bacon. Can someone tell me what's going on? We all just saw Gold die...How is he still alive? Emma, Snow started...When you and Henry were sent back to NYC, We were stuck in the Enchanted Forest when Rumplestiltskin.....She stopped. ''H-He''.. Yes? Emma asked.  ''Emma,..I knew what happened...I-I just....Lost it..'' It's alright..She said. No, It's not alright, If we need to know what happened we have to get your memories back...She started. How???..We tried everything...Was he working for the witch? Emma asked. It's a possibility...He could have been...***

We all went to Gold's shop and told Belle the news. R-Rumple...He's alive?..''H-How is that possible?''.... We don't know, David said. That''s why we came here...You know this shop better than anyone, Emma said. Do you know anywhere he could have ran off to? No, Belle answered. Let us know if you see him, So he can tell us who the witch is...He'll come right to me..She smiled. Yeah, Emma said. I'll stay here and watch her..Hook said. ''Wh..''Belle stuttered. He'll protect you in-case the witch shows up... You know, He tried to kill me...Twice. Sorry, Hook said with puppy dog dough eyes. You go home and get some sleep..David said to Snow. But i'm the best tracker..She complained...You need to take care of the baby......***

Hey, You doing okay kid? Yeah,...No, Pan's been acting very protective lately. He's just protecting you because he loves you,...Right? She asked un-sure. Right.. I replied. Emma's phone rang, Wh..Neal? I glanced back at her as her eyes widened......

Neal, How do you feel? Okay, I guess. What did you remember? How did you get here? The last thing i remember is reaching the town line to look for my father and then everything went black. And next thing i know, I'm running through the woods in Storybrooke....Should i tell him? Hook asked. Neal,..We think your father is alive...What? Where?! I've searched everywhere! What do you mean he's alive?! Hey,..Take it easy..Emma warned. Hook..Watch him, Were going to go search for his father. I walked over to Neal and hugged him, Hey..It's going to be okay. Don't worry, We'll see each other soon...He nodded at Emma and she nodded back. Besides..Look what Pan did to tear us apart..We still found each other..He smiled at me and Emma gave a sad smile at Neal.......***

Do you think you'll go back to NY with Henry when we break the curse? When me and Henry were in NY, We were eating fruit roll-ups and playing video games. Now,..I'm chasing after the Dark one to defeat the Wicked Witch of the West...UUUGGGHHHH!!!!!!! What the hell was that? UUUGGHHHH! Gold! Emma shouted. Rumple! I cried as David held me back. Did the witch do this to you? Do you know where she is??? Yeah, Yeah,...UUUGGHHHH! Too many voices,! TOO MANY VOICES! Once again we heard screeching. A flying monkey flew out of the trees. Go! I'll hold it!!! David screamed at me and Emma. Go you two!!!..... We ran away from David as told but Emma held onto my shoulder and said, Wait...Where's Gold?.....***

Me and Emma were in the woods looking for Rumplestiltskin. Gold! She shouted. Emma! Neal shouted back. Neal glanced at both of us and ran over. Neal..Emma softly replied. What the hell are you doing here? I'm not just gonna stay in bed while you look for my dad, He smiled at me. So it's true...He's alive? Yeah he is...I don't know what the witch did to him....He tried to tell me who she is but he couldn't. Come on, Let's go find him...He can't be far...***

Emma and Neal started talking about NYC,...We enjoyed it, Do nothing,...Life is good. Was it lonely? Henry had tons of friends and i was engaged..She chuckled. Of course, He proposed,..Then he turned into a flying monkey...C'mon it's hilarious....I almost married a evil minion of my grandfather Peter Pan,..He chuckled while i avoided eye-contact with him. I'm sorry it didn't work out...Really? Yeah,..I care about you Emma....Always will, I just wan't you to be happy...We were happy,.. Once. Tallahassee......***

Rumple launched into the area...Bae! He cried. Papa! Neal retorted. They embraced into a hug. Your alive? Rumple slowly nodded and interrupted him. I escaped to find you son...To tell you i made a mistake....What is it? Neal asked. Rumple started to sob. Son..I didn't wanna have to do this..But she leaves me no choice. ''W-Wh'' Rumple raised his arm and Neal started chocking, He grabbed his neck and stuttered, Papa?! Stop! Emma shouted and slammed Rumple into the ground...Bae! I shouted. He reached into his chest and pulled out his heart. Bae!, What are you doing?! Neal ignored me and Emma's questioning. Papa, I'll sacrifice myself for you, and everyone. No son, Rumple sobbed. Yes Papa, I'll save you from the witch...Who is she? Emma asked. Zelena, Rumple growled. She's the witch?...Emma asked in dis-belief. Papa, I wan't you to crush my heart...He held his heart out to Rumple. No, Son,..Rumple shook his head. ''I-I can't..'' Papa,..You taught me a lot about sacrifices....Now it's my turn. Neal grabbed Rumple's hand. Emma shook her head and cried into Neal's neck. No,..No,..No,..It's too late Emma, Here..I saved this from you,....                                         e5e25053ec9a6cafe80f2f98cbbb2e

He pulled out a keychain with a silver swan, It looked similar to my locket around my neck....                           41fsUs7gRhL._SL246_SX190_CR0,0

It was the only thing that i had that left behind my old-life before Neverland. I held onto the locket and thought of Felix....''Little lost girl'' rang through my thoughts as my eyes filled with tears when Baelfire held his heart out to Rumple. No, No, No..I can fix this...Rumple said. Thank you Papa, For teaching me how to make a true sacrifice. Please Papa,...crush it...No,..I can't son..He cried. Please..Do it for me Papa..Rumple nodded while trembling and grabbed the heart. Rumple held it into his hands and crushed it to dust....... ''I love you Papa''......

Me and Emma silently cried while glancing at Rumple......***

Both of us went to Mary Margaret's and quietly shut the door. We both held guns in our hands. Where's Zelena?! Me and Emma shouted. Pan froze and jumped in shock. Pan's eyes widened as i pointed the gun towards Pan's direction. The bathroom, Why? Snow asked. Me, Emma, and David nodded at each-other and crept over to the glass-stained bathroom walls. We slammed the door open and found the area empty. 

She knew we were coming....We need a protection spell from Regina, Right away. What the hell is going on? Your safe, That's all that matters. Of course, I am...Why wouldn't i be? You okay?..Pan rubbed my arm. I nodded with a pissed expresion. Zelena she's the Wicked Witch. ''Rumple's back..And Neal..'' Neal what, Emma? Snow flickered her eyes in confusion. Neal's dead...Emma said with a serious grieving tone. I balled into Pan's shoulder as he rubbed my back with a confused expression.....                  tumblr_n7sp43TAQU1tckcvbo2_250

We all went to Gold's shop and introduced the news to Hook and Belle......



When we got back to Mary Margaret's i cried into Pan's arms until i fell into a hurting slumber, Knowing my first best friend had died.....***

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