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*Flashback* (Neverland...A long time ago)
Make sure she doesn't escape, A smart mouthed jackass voice said. Understood..Anything else? Felix asked. 
Felix's POV:
Just make sure you listen to the girl's conversation, He whispered. I quickly nodded and sat down, holding my club. 
Hello..?? Is anyone there??? 
Wendy? She called out. 
Yes...Lost girl is it?
Yeah Wendy, It's just me..
Where are we? Wendy whispered. 
Don't worry about it, She whispered back. 
Why not,.Her British accent showing. 
It's better not to know, It's safe if you don't know the truth. 

These girls were naive.. Wendy from London was full of it. I didn't know why Pan wanted me to listen to their conversation...It was pretty use-less in my opinion..I decided to have some fun and whistled Bennie over to me. 
Bennie,..She that girl over there...
No...The other one..
Let her out of the cage and take her to Mermaid Lagoon...Act like your letting her go.
Agreed...He said and took out a blade. He ran to the cage and broke off the lock.
He opened the door and flashed a friendly smile..Don't worry i'm not gonna hurt you..She trembled and grabbed his hand with caution. 
Easy,..I'm letting you go...
Really? She flashed a smile. I chuckled to myself. 
I wanna leave too...He whined. Hey! I know!!! Let's run off together!
That sounds wonderful! I know a mermaid that can help us!.....***

Your friend is pretty naive,..What do you know about her being my friend..She pulled out a blade. I put my arms up and said, Calm down...I'm letting you out. She gave me a look of dis-belief and confusion. I broke off the lock and she crawled out. Once she got out i felt her sides, thighs, legs, and chest. She slapped me, Damn it! I'm checking you for any sign of weapons. Speaking of weapons..I snatched the blade from her, This is my dagger..I said and put it in my belt. I don't want our little lost girl to cut herself, He chuckled. I know how to take care of myself, She said, Clearly pissed off. Oh really, I said and chuckled to myself..Raising a eyebrow. She glared at me and her chest started to stiffen. 
Take off your boots, I ordered. She sighed and un-zipped them off. I snatched them and tilited them over and nothing came out. 
Take off your shirt, I ordered. Her eyes widened and she stomped her foot. She sighed and listened to my instructions. 
I slid my hands into her last remaining piece of fabric on her chest. My fingers didn't feel anything but flesh. She sighed into my chest...Her face rested against my neck and her knees started to wobble. I immediately moved my hands to her arms and held her still. Felix,..She mumbled..I don't feel so good. I bit my lip and tried to think of a resolution that wouldn't do anything to betray Pan. I sighed and said, Why won't you go get some rest...I rubbed her back. It stood silent..
Back in the cage,..I don't want Pan to get mad. She slowly nodded and crawled into the cage. I frowned as i watched her struggle into the cage..I don't know why Pan has her in this cage in the first place,..She's nothing special, She's just...Lost. 
I'll see you soon..I promised and left for patrol......***

I awoke from a sweaty nightmare. My face was wet and i had tears filled in my eyes. Felix! I called out. Felix immediately revealed himself from the jungle and asked what was wrong. He got down on his knees with his club. Can i ask you a question, I trembled. Sure, Consider it done. About this place,...W-Why does it focus on your past? You'll find out soon enough, I promise. Do you want me to sleep next to you?..He nervously asked while scratching the back of his neck. Yes, I quickly said. Fine, No problem..The boys are asleep and i don't have any more orders. But hold that thought..He pointed at me and left for a moment...
I sighed and waited for him. He eventually came back with a pillow and a small mattress. If you need me...Scream my name and i'll awake. He stroked my hand and said, Goodnight...... I was walking into the moonlight when i heard strange noises...Un-explainable noises. 
A creature lunged at me out of nowhere...It looked like a Winged-Monkey. It screeched at me and i took out a Dreamshade arrow from off my back. I took my bow and aimed it for the monkey...It blasted into a puff of smoke. Dreamshade coated my arm and chocked out in pain. I fell onto my knees and shouted, Felix! Pan! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! As the pain spread throughout my body. Bennie! Devin! Damion! SOMEBODY!!!......***
A warm liquid ran over my eyelids and started to burn as i screamed. Ow! I moaned and rubbed off the liquid. Felix! Felix!!! I'm here,..I didn't leave you..He moaned. Are you okay? He asked. I'm not sure....I had a horrible dream. What was it about? A Winged Monkey...It screeched at me...Dreamshade...How....??? Calm down babe, It was false thoughts..Just a dream.......He opened the cage and embraced me. Do you want to sleep next to me? I quickly nodded and he smiled...I'm here to protect you.....
When i awoke Felix ordered me to get back in the cage or Pan would have a fit. Pan can't find out i let you out. I quickly nodded and hopped back in.....***
Wake up!!! Wake up!!! Lost girl! I awoke to Bennie outside my cage. Pan would like to speak with you. Bennie nodded back at Felix and broke the lock off. Bennie offered his hand and i took it. Felix snagged me from around the waist and cuffed my wrists. He stroked my hair and twirled his fingers through it. Come on...We can't keep Pan waiting...Bennie smiled at me and said, Don't be nervous...He's not mad at you. Bennie put an arm around me and said, Just relax and follow Pan's orders. I glanced at Felix and he gave me a nod....***
Aye,... There you are..I have been dying to talk to you...I froze and gulped. I closed my eyes and he chuckled, Pulling my hair back. Boys.....Leave us alone for a few minutes....Felix, You wait in that corner he said, Pointing away. 
Now...He began stroking my neck. That's more like it...He inhaled with his eyes shut. I heard you've been having nightmares....I gasped and turned around to look at Felix, His hood was hiding his face, So i saw just shade on his cheekbones. I heard you screaming in you sleep. I was wondering what you were dreaming about? I glanced at Felix and he mouthed the words, Answer him. Why do you want to know,..It's none of your concern...Pan glared and Felix closed his eyes in disaprovement. Then Pan smiled and said, Well for MY CONCERN, Your on MY island, and you follow my MY rules. Felix folded his arms and studied me, Nodding. Pan kept his eyes on me and waited for my answer. I have been dreaming about.....Creatures,...Winged Monkey's and Dreamshade. Pan inhaled and said, Dreamshade? Winged Monkey's? There are no Winged Monkey's here, They are in Oz. As for Dreamshade,...What's so scary about Dreamshade? He said with a sarcastic smile. Felix rolled his eyes and said, Stop teasing her...This isn't funny...What she's going through...Stop defending her Felix! He shouted. I've got this...
You now i can take them away so you don't have to suffer. No,..I need them. It remind's me to,...I glanced at Felix and Pan glanced back with a concerned look. What? Pan asked. It reminds you to...He began waving his hand. It reminds me not to trust another person again.
Pan gave a stunned confused look as i got up and immediately grabbed Felix's hand. Pan got up and grabbed something out of his shirt, A 
dreamcatcher.... He handed it to me and i held it in my hands, studying every detail. It tames the nightmares the longest you've used it. 
Thank you i said and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my back and rested his head on my neck. I held onto Felix's hand as i was held by Peter's embrace......
We were at Mary Margaret's drinking hot cocoa with cinnamon. Regina set the mugs down on the table and we clinked them together, To good friends...
*Flashback* (Storybrooke..A week ago)
I missed you, Henry said. Emma gave me a sad/happy look. He's been asking for you all day. Do you want to go to my house? He asked. Sure...***
He showed me his bedroom. It's nice, I said and put my hands around my back, nervously. I have something for you, He said and dug through a box. He revealed a feather tassel..It looked just like Felix's. This is from Pan, He gave me this when i was a lost boy. I held it in my hand and sighed, While closing my eyes. What's wrong? Are you okay??? I'm fine..I left someone important in my heart back in Neverland.... I had to abondon Pan so Pan wouldn't kill him. The door opened to Regina. Dinner time, Young man. Emma is busy with your grandparents so your staying here tonight. Oh hello? You look familar??? Weren't you somebody from Neverland? 
Y-Yes..I replied. She's Pan's true love, Henry said. Regina folded her arms around her chest and said, Oh really? 
I closed my eyes and said, I abondoned Pan.
Oh,..Would you like to stay for dinner? Noticing Henry's excited look of expression.
No thank you, I got something to do at Granny's. 
Bye, Henry said. When i squeezed through Regina she stiffened. 
When i got back to my room i sat on the bed and glanced at the feather tassel. Felix had one just like this..I thought to myself. I hung it in my hair and glanced in the mirror..It was almost like Felix was there with me...Or Neverland to be exact........
Maybe this was my last piece of hope that Felix was here with me....***

Henry sipped his last of cocoa and glanced at me. What? I asked. The feather tassel..You kept it. Oh!..I gasped, Yeah..Why wouldn't i? Pan glanced at the tassel and stroked it. Pan smiled at me and said, See you tomorrow Henry. Do you need a ride? Emma asked. No, Thank you...We said. Pan grabbed my hand and we walked to Granny's Bed and Breakfast. When did you get that tassel? Henry gave it to me when i arrived here in Storybrooke. Oh, He said. Why? I asked curiously. It's just that....It seemed like a romantic gift. What? I scoffed. It's not romantic at all. He laughed, Yeah..I should have figured that...He softly kissed my neck. I held a tight grip onto him and slammed himagainst the wall. We kissed hard and tender for a few minutes. Granny! I'm an adult!!! I can handle myself! Oh really, And how are you gonna prove that? I'll quit drinking! Oh, I'd like to see that...For some reason Pan gulped at Granny's last comment. Ruby screeched and ran off. I ran up to my room and Pan followed. I ran in and climbed into bed. He held a tight grip on me and pinned me to the bed. Now,..Where were we? He unbuttoned my shirt and i slapped his hand. Not now,..When then? He asked, Clearly impatient. Later..I said. He got up and took off is jacket. Who left this in here? I asked. I grabbed a mysterious dreamcatcher off the lampshade. There was a note:
You have potential,..
Don't deny it. See for yourself. 
I concentrated on the center. A portal appeared and an image was shown...It was too blurry. I lost my grasp and it disappeared. The image started to connect again and it showed Rumple,..Alive saying, ''You feed the madness, And the madness feeds you.''
I gasped as i looked at an shocked Pan.
We walked to Mary Margaret's and called, Emma? 
Emma ran into the room with her gun and asked, Yes?
Me and Pan just saw something..Important. 
What is it? She asked. 
Rumple..He's lost his mind..Literally. 
How did you see it? Emma asked. 
A dreamcatcher....
Yes,...I said......***

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