Chapter 3: The Magical Mishap

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After catching up with her friends, Solar went with them to the Main Town Hall, where the Halloween Bash will take place, to practice their magic in front of a simulated live audience (IE: it won't be the actual magic show, only trying out magic in front of others who volunteered to be the audience)

Roseus went first, where she used a dummy for the zombie that will be assisting her, for the magic hat trick. She said the magic words and pulled out a rabbit. Next up was Witch Hazel. She didn't have a  Wizard Zombie, but she did have a cardboard version of one. She cast her spell on the cardboard, and to everyone's surprise, it actually turned into a cardboard sheep! Last up was Solar Magica. 

Solar felt nervous, despite it not being the actual performance. She supposed that she should have done extra practicing. Roseus encouraged her to try, as actually performing the trick in front of a simulated audience would help tremendously. With that, Solar gained some confidence and readied her trick. She closed her eyes and put her head down, with the book open in front of her on a stand. Solar's trick would be to cast a spell that would cause a big candy-colored* pumpkin to appear and explode to rain down a whole bunch of candy and chocolates in the variety. It's known as a Treat Spell. 

When Solar had said the words, instead of a big pumpkin appearing, a light pink glowing orb appeared. Roseus was surprised and felt uneasy. "Uh, Solar?" Roseus had nervously asked. "Huh?" Solar opened her eyes and shot up to see the pink orb instead of a pumpkin. Before Roseus could say anything else and anyone could do anything, the orb started to shake and grow, until pink light beams shined through, and the orb erupted and all the light beams shot out, hitting the entire audience, which composed of plants only and any other plants that were unfortunately nearby, save for Solar, who was shocked by what she saw. Soon, there was a pink burst that Solar immediately ran away from and ducked for cover. 

Once the pink sparkles had faded off, Solar was frightened to see that instead of her plant friends there, she saw a whole bunch of sheep! Solar was bewildered. "What went wrong?!" She said to herself. She looked around at the sheep and promptly checked her book. This is when she realized what had caused this magical mishap: it was a mixup of books. Solar suddenly had a flashback of her bumping into the Wizard zombie earlier, before she caught up with her friends. In that flashback, she saw that she had picked up the Wizard's book and saw its patterns and mentally compared it with her book's patterns. Once she snapped out of her flashback, she took a look at the book's cover. There it was, it had sheep all over it. 

"Oh dear... " Solar said before looking at the calendar. "There are 10 days left until the Halloween Bash, but I don't know where the Wizard zombie could be! Think! Think! Aha! Maybe Crazy Dave might have an idea!" 

"Or, you can ask the Grand Magician." said another voice behind Solar. Solar jumped back and turned to see who it was. It was her friend Peredur, the Warlock Peashooter.  

"Oh! Perry! It's you!! Uh- I didn't mean to do all of this! Please don't be mad at me!" Solar blurted out. 

"It's Peredur, and I know what happened. You got the Wizard zombie's book instead of yours because you bumped into him." 

"Oh that's good to- wait... how did you know about that?" Solar questioned. 

"I looked into your flashback, Solar," Peredur responded, with a smirk seen in his eyes. 

"Ugh, Perry! Wait, how did you do that?" "No time to explain, Solar. We need to go, like now!" 

"Wait! What about my friends? They're all sheep! They need to be kept safe!" 

"I got that covered. I got Crazy Dave notified and he alerted some people to take care of the plants for the time being. Now, let's go, Solar!"

With that, Solar and Peredur ran off to find the Great Magician. 

*It can be whatever color you want it to be

***Hey all. I'm back. Now that the semester's over, I can get back to this. I actually was thinking about putting this on hiatus until Halloween rolls around again next year, but on seeing how popular this story is starting to become, I became motivated to continue it.***

EDIT: I forgot to add the caveat and the whereabouts of the "sheepified" plants 

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