Chapter 13: The Ancient Kingdom III

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Solar and Peredur had surprisingly got far ahead of the duo. Enough that they can barely hear their yells. The plants stop running and decide to search for any zombies who stayed behind. Solar scouts ahead and investigates any noise she hears. Unfortunately, none of them were caused by zombies. Peredur also does the same, with the same results. 

However, just as Peredur is about to return to the spot where he and Solar stopped at, he heard jingling. He freezes when the jingling stops, only moving again when it picks back up. He peeks out from a bush to see a Jester Zombie. His eyes widen, and he briskly leaves before the Jester notices him. He hurries back to Solar and warns her of the Jester's presence. 

Both the plants get startled by rustling in the nearby bushes. Solar stands in front to guard Peredur against the potential threat of the Jester Zombie. However, Solar and Peredur instead see an annoyed Alex and an irate Rux. Turns out, the plants opened up a huge distance between them and the other duo. Peredur warns them about the Jester Zombie. 

Alex is surprised by this news, while Rux goes ahead and searches for the Jester for interrogation. He doesn't get too far when Alex stops him. He warns Rux that the Jester could be a trap. Unbeknownst to all of them, the Jester is watching them all behind some other shrub, and he goes to relay the message to the Wizard, that the four are almost to his lair. 


Near the castle, there are numerous Peasant zombies standing, awaiting the order to attack. The Knights, in their armor, prepare the "cavalry". Meanwhile, the Wizard Zombie watches all of it happen from his chamber, high atop a nearby tower. 

Just then, the Jester enters the court area, where the rest of the zombies await. The Wizard Zombie sees him and beckons him to the chambers. Once the Jester reaches his chamber, he tells the Wizard of the aforementioned magicians. 

The Wizard Zombie smiles at the news and orders the Jester to rally the zombies and prepare for battle. 


The four Magicians are nearby a large gate, across a moat of the same size. Rux, without any questions or hesitation, takes out a grappling gun and shoots at the top of the door. It breaks through the door, but nonetheless, sturdily holds on. However, just as Rux was about to zip up there, there was a sudden quake. The others see that the gate has been opened up from the other side. With that, Rux withdraws the grapple from the door. 

They all wait to see what's on the other side of the gate door. They were expecting hordes of strong zombies, but to their surprise, it was hordes of Peasant Zombies. They laugh at this, unaware of what the Wizard might be planning. So, with little-to-no effort, they all defeated the hordes of the Peasants. They stroll past the gate to the next area, a court, where the other zombies are. 

All of the Peasant zombies there waited for the King Zombie to Knight them. When the imp servants saw the Magicians approaching from afar, they alerted their respective kings, who somehow got up their thrones and crushed their servants with it. Then, two-by-two, the Peasant Zombies turn into Knight Zombies. There were some other Jester Zombies well hidden amongst the Knights. 

Unfortunately, by the time the Magicians got to the zombies, all of them have been knighted. They now found themselves in an inescapably arduous situation. All of the Magicians have no choice but to use their strongest attacks and spells. This is what the Wizard planned. 


The Knight Zombies stand facing them, ready to attack. By the order of the kings, they all separated into large groups of four, one for each of the Magicians. The Jester Zombies decided it was time to show themselves. They all showed up in front of the Knights, leading them into battle.

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