Chapter 15: The Wizard Zombie

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"The journey was long, but here we are now," Alex said triumphantly.

"The Wizard Zombie is behind that door. Shall we?" Peredur asks him.

Alex shakes his head. He proposes that he send the Allied Zombies (from the Zoybean) to see if the Wizard Zombie has some last-minute traps in mind. The zombies stand by the door and are commanded to open it. They bash through, but nothing happened... 

"Huh? I thought there was gonna be some sort of explosion or something..." Peredur comments as the zombies disappear into the chamber.

He, Alex and Solar enter, self-defense ready. To their surprise, they find nobody else in the room, only the workbench, an open window and a cauldron that smells like it's been used recently. Even the Zoybean Zombies suddenly disappeared into thin air. 

Just then, an invisible force grabs ahold of Solar and throws her out of the room. Peredur and Alex turn to see this, completely caught off-guard. Just then, before Solar could get back inside, the doors slammed shut. 

"He's used an invisibility potion!" Alex exclaims. 

"How original" Peredur responds, completely unamused. 

Soon, the invisible force heads straight towards them and knocks Alex far back, almost making him fall out the open window. Peredur was fortunately short enough that the swing misses him. He uses this opportunity to trip the invisible force, but it is too fast. Just then, Peredur gets an idea. 

He pulls out some paint. Alex looks at Peredur confused. Peredur gives a smug look that says, "just watch". He proceeds to act like he's trying to fight the invisible force, taunting it. The force gets angry and attempts to charge at it. Unbeknownst to it (and Alex initially), but although the force was invisible, that doesn't mean it's not going to make noise and cause a physical disturbance.

He gauges where the force could be and just before it swings, Peredur yells to Alex to dodge, while he slides to its right, splashing some paint on it. The paint doesn't cover the whole being, only the legs. Alex notices that the being's legs don't seem right for a Wizard. They look a lot more brutish if anything. Peredur doesn't notice and thinks up another plan. 

He looks at the workbench, before the enraged being charges straight at Peredur. Peredur once again slips out of the way. Alex rushes over and scolds Peredur for his lack of care. Peredur, however, is too focused on the workbench. He just thought up a crazy idea. 

He looks back at the brutish being, now having gotten back up. Peredur tells Alex to distract the being while he's busy. Alex doesn't even have time to rebuke the frivolous idea as the being already seems to have changed its target back to Alex, probably due to the former target, Peredur, being too slick. 

Having no choice, Alex readies himself to dodge the oncoming force. The brute charges and misses. While the shenanigans happen, Peredur is readying some spell on the workbench. Soon, Alex realizes something. 

"Wait a second! I'm a wizard too!" Alex exclaims. With that, before the brute could tackle him, he points his wand at it and yells out, "STOPZA!" (Kudos if you where that's from (。•̀ᴗ-)✧) Immediately, as he said that, a blue orb shoots out and hits the brute, stopping it dead in its tracks. "Are you almost done?" Alex calls out to Peredur. 

"Yes! I am! And I see you've put a little leash on our 'beastly' friend..."  Peredur says slyly. 

"Just use the darned potion already!" Alex says exasperated. 

"Potion? What's going on? Perry? Alex?" Solar calls out from the doors, which have now been mysteriously boarded up from the inside. "Don't worry, Solar! I've got this situation under control!" Peredur assures Solar.

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