Chapter 11: The Ancient Kingdom I

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Once Alex and Rux had managed to cover enough distance from the forest that was when they stopped for a rest. The plants were still asleep, but the guys didn't mind. To them, it was better that the plants remain in this state to ensure a smooth exit. 


The date is now October 11, 2019. What seemed to be a long time was only the passage of a day. The crew was now far away from the Forest of Furious Fumbles, with the side effects by now long gone. Alex notices this when he found himself no longer yippy and acting childish. Though, he noticed Rux seemed to still be "affected", as he was still acting very calm. 

Alex decides not to question it. Instead, he decides to see where they are now and what is lying ahead in wait for them. He pulls out his map. He sees that in 10 kilometers from where he is standing, there is a giant "landmark", to which he immediately realizes that the "landmark" he is looking at is actually where they need to go, but what lies in between will prove to be a major impediment. 

Rux is still attending to the plants when he saw Alex walk towards him. 

"What's up?" he asks the approaching wizard. 

"Rux, we have a major threat ahead of us," Alex bluntly told the gnome, much to his surprise. 

"Flabbergast! What is it?" 

"Here, let me show you." Alex shows Rux the map and proceeds to tell him what it is. "It's a land that I thought had disappeared ever since the zombies showed up: The Ancient Kingdom. It's where the Wizard Zombie might be. However, there is going to be something that will stand in our way..." 

"Well, I'm sure it won't be too bad- wait. You said that this 'kingdom' is most likely where that zombie is?" Rux asks Alex, his tone in a manner that is wishing it was a fib. 

"Yes, and unfortunately, that means there is a high chance of there being an enormous amount of zombies awaiting us!" 

"Not good. Good that we're getting close to our destination, but not good because of the large zombie army." 


Meanwhile, in the tower that overlooked the Ancient Kingdom, located near the center, the Wizard Zombie was watching the crew through his giant magic orb in the center of his chamber. He gives a menacing smile before saying to himself, "Aha! Those fools have arrived at the foot of my kingdom! Looks like those two non-plants are aware of the threat I have in store. Oh-ho! You two will see! It will be worse than any zombie army you've ever encountered!" The Wizard Zombie boomed to himself, with his subjects listening, some worried, others confused. 


Alex and Rux look back at the plants. Both of them decide it's time for them to wake up. Alex wakes Solar from her slumber, while Rux wakes Peredur from his. Both of the plants look at Alex and Rux, before looking ahead of them. Both Solar and Peredur ask Alex and Rux where they are and why they have a worried look that is etched on their faces. 

Alex and Rux look at each other, thinking of a perfect way to gently break the news to the plants of the upcoming battles they will have to fight in order to get to the Wizard Zombie. 

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