Chapter 6: Starting the Journey

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***Now that things are back on track, let's continue on with Solar and the gang, shall we? In the previous part, Roseus had managed to successfully telepathize to Solar and Peredur. Now, let's see what she has to tell them***

Roseus: (In Solar's mind) "Solar! Help us! A human has arrived and mistook us for actual sheep and they're going to sell us to the Farmer's Market! Help us! Hurry!"

Roseus: (In Peredur's mind) "Peredur! You and Solar are our only hopes. Solar will tell you more, but we are in peril! Make haste with Solar and find the spellbook promptly!"

Solar and Peredur look at each other with widened eyes, while Rux and Alex were confused as to why the pair were giving each other weird looks. The pair looks back at Alex and Rux and back at one another.

"You want to tell them or should I?" Peredur asked Solar. "I'll do it since I was told more," Solar responded. Solar goes to the wizard and the gnome and proceeds to tell them what Roseus had told her. When she finished, Alex and Rux were shocked. 

"Your plant friends are being carried off to some farm by some random person?!!" Alex had exclaimed with horror in his tone, which startled the plants at first, but they both nodded their heads in a solemn and slow manner. "Well, that ain't good. We gotta skedaddle and find that wizard, pronto!" Rux interjected. 

With that, the crew continued their journey, at a faster pace. 

They continued trekking for a few hours until they came across some zombies dressed in peasant attire, blocking a path to a forest that the crew must traverse to get to the Wizard zombie. 

"Perfect. Just what we needed, some undead folk to cause some idle trouble" Rux sarcastically said. "No biggie! We can take them on with no problem!" Solar immediately shouted with a positive bout. "Solar's right! Those zombies aren't a problem at all! Just one or two spells and they're gone in an instant!

Solar and Peredur run-up to the zombies and, in an instant, are transferred into some sort of battleground, like in some turn-based RPGs. It is the plants' turn.

>Solar shoots small sun beams at Zombie 1. Peredur shoots regular-sized peas at Zombie 2. 

>>Both Zombies take heavy damage. Both Zombies have been defeated. 

Solar and Peredur are transported back. Rux and Alex look at each other in bafflement at how quickly that took. "What? Those zombies were weaklings!" Peredur said in response to Rux's and Alex's reactions. Just as he said that a leveling up bar appears above Solar and Peredur, filling up twice, showing that they are now at Level 3. "Oh neat!" Peredur exclaimed in response. 

The sight of that made Alex and Rux even more baffled. Solar nudged at both of them to snap them out of it. 

Both Rux and Alex shake themselves out of it and look at each other again, before looking back at the plants. "Oh, right... Let's get a move on!" Rux said, with a hint of confusion still in the tone. "We'll let you two take care of any more zombies, but I fear stronger ones may appear later..." Alex announced to Solar and Peredur. They both give a nod of approval before carrying on. 




The Magicians were behind a few large bushes, with the plants feeling excited and proud, while Rux and Alex had seen themselves in far better action than now. 

"MAN, that was a total cheese-fest!" Rux exclaimed out of shock at what happened during the time skip. "Cheesefest?" Alex questioned. "I mean, like a cakewalk. It was so easy, that we didn't even need to do anything!" Rux explained. "Tell me about it." Alex quipped, with a tone of boredom and slight suspicion. 

"Well I think your time has come, guys! Look hither! Zombies, dressed in armor, bestowed by the Zombie King!" Peredur triumphantly declared while peeking out from the foliage, with a Shakespearean tone in the last two sentences. Solar giggled at Peredur, which made him blush when he realized what he just said. Alex and Rux look past the bushes to see exactly what Peredur had said: Zombies wearing Knight Armor, and a Zombie King on this throne, having bestowed armor to the Peasant Zombies. 

"5 Knight Zombies and a King, ready, Alex?" 

"Ready when you are, Rux!" 

Alex and Rux charge into battle. Time for them to fight, and time for Solar and Peredur to sit back and watch the action. 

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