5.6K 182 46

(+82) xxx xxx xxx
wrong number, sorry

(+82) xx xxx xxx
no hyung seriously I need an air freshener it fucking stinks.

(+82) xxx xxx xxx
1. I'm not ur 'hyung'
2. Then get some

(+82) xx xxx xxx
hyung just please stop. I don't want a staff member to enter the bathroom calling me to get out.

(+82) xxx xxx xxx
staff member? Dude r u like an FBI agent or a celebrity. And btw can u just check the phone number.

(+82) xx xxx xxx
U kNo WhAt If thAtS whaT it TAkEs To gET a gODaMn Air FreshEnEr tHen sO Be iT
hOlD uR diCk

(+82) xxx xxx xxx
1. I'm a girl
2. May Lord have mercy on my poor soul

 May Lord have mercy on my poor soul

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(+82) xx xxx xxx

U trAiToR
Y DiDnT u tElL mE yOu WeRenT hYunG

(+82) xxx xxx xxx

(+82) xxx xxx xxx

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tHiS Bi-

(+82) xx xxx xxx

(+82) xxx xxx xxx-noCulARbInOcuLaR

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(+82) xxx xxx xxx

(+82) xx xxx xxx

 (+82) xxx xxx xxxANyWhOI kEpT TEllInG u tHis wHole FuCkiNg TimE u bLiNdeD diPShIt

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(+82) xxx xxx xxx
I kEpT TEllInG u tHis wHole FuCkiNg TimE u bLiNdeD diPShIt

(+82) xx xxx xxx

(+82) xxx xxx xxxgladly, goodbye dipshit

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(+82) xxx xxx xxx
gladly, goodbye dipshit

u changed my name to dipshit didn't you

(+82) xxx xxx xxx

(+82) xxx xxx xxx

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nO U DonT
COme bacC HEre biTCh

filthy peasant

wE dOnT uSe thOse unHolY woRdS in tHis hOusehOlD

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wE dOnT uSe thOse unHolY woRdS in tHis hOusehOlD

I'll say tf I want to say

filthy peasant

nO NO No
COme bAcK


you sighed and turned off the TV. You started walking up the stairs to your room. You slowly opened the door, careful to not wake your mother up. You entered your room, put your phone down on the bedside table and you lied down on your bed going under the covers having the bed engulf you in it's warmth. And slowly you fell into a deep sleep


10:08 pm, Now

im sorry..


Drama (;

 ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ, sᴏʀʀʏ  ♡ ᴾʲᵐ  [𝔻𝕀𝕊ℂ𝕆ℕ𝕋𝕀ℕ𝕌𝔼𝔻]Where stories live. Discover now