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you woke up.. Thursday morning..

the day Jimin got hit..
You pulled yourself out of your bed and this time you wanted to try and move on, you can't stay depressed forever.

Plus it's been years and you barely leave the house, Felix would bring you groceries every weekend to the point where you feel guilty, he's been working every day at different jobs to help you survive, to the point he wouldn't eat lunch and just buy you food.

You've decided to change, you applied for a job at the café down the street of your apartment last weekend and you start today. You got dressed, brushed your hair and teeth, put a toast in your mouth and started running towards the café.


You were late..

you changed into your work outfits and looked for the employee that the manager was talking about on the phone that is supposed to help you and show you what to do. You finally found him. You tapped on his shoulder. As he turned around, you were surprised.

oh wow, he's cute
"Um, hello. My name is Y/N, are you the one that's going to help me?" you tried saying innocently and alive, trying not to sound tired.

"I'm sorry what was your name? I guess ill just have to call you mine." He said with a smirk and a rather.. arrogant voice.

"The name is Kai, but you can call me da-" before he could think about finishing, you quickly cut him off.

"I'm sorry what was your name? I guess ill just have to call you fuckboy." you fired at him with a smirk as his eyes widened and was about to speak but was cut off by your phone ringing.


"Hey, whats up?" you said sorta confused as to why he was calling you. Kai scoffed as he whispered "the ceiling.." you just ignored him though.

"Its.. Jimin." you were shocked that Felix brought up the subject, knowing you were still sensitive, but you being curious and worried thought negatively and thought something bad happened to him. "Whats wrong with Jimin."


 ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ, sᴏʀʀʏ  ♡ ᴾʲᵐ  [𝔻𝕀𝕊ℂ𝕆ℕ𝕋𝕀ℕ𝕌𝔼𝔻]Where stories live. Discover now