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"WHY DID YOU EAT ALL THE CUPCAKES" Felix yelled as he pinned you against the wall, with Taehyung  and Jimin watching you both with confusion written on their faces.

"IT WASN'T MEEEEE" you yelled back, understanding where he's at.
"WELL IT WAS FLUNKING ONE OF US" Felix yelled trying to hide his smile. "DiSGusTAng!!!!1!!1"

Taehyung and Jimin understood what you both were trying to do and Felix unpinned you from the wall as you all started laughing.

It's been a while since you laughed.

Felix turned around, happy that he was able to put a smile on their face.
Taehyung was rolling on the floor, looking close to peeing himself and Jimin was laughing his ass off at how Taehyung looked while doing so.

Eventually, once they had stopped laughing. Jimin asked you how you all got the idea and why.

"Well, we saw this funny video a while ago and you both were stuck with a serious face and I wanted to make you laugh, so we redid what we saw in the video, we just changed what they said." Felix answered. "How did you know she was awake?" Taehyung asked. "When Jimin got hit, she fell into depression and started to develop an eating disorder which caused her faint at least 5 times a day, yet for some odd reason, she would always wake up at the same time or around it." Felix explained.

As Jimin was laughing, you saw something glowing on his wrist. You looked closer and started to smile.

its the friendship bracelet, he's still wearing it.. you thought

The bracelet came along with a necklace.
You looked down at your neck, expecting to find it.
Once you realized you didn't, you started to panic.

no it's probably in my room. you thought

You excused yourself as you went running to your room. You trashed your whole room looking for it.
"WHERE IS MY NECKLACE?!?" You screamed while tears slowly trickled down your face. You slowly backed up against a wall and slid down, hugging your knees crying. It was the only thing you wore that you cared about. he gave it to you.

"Y/N ?"

 ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ, sᴏʀʀʏ  ♡ ᴾʲᵐ  [𝔻𝕀𝕊ℂ𝕆ℕ𝕋𝕀ℕ𝕌𝔼𝔻]Where stories live. Discover now