Hyuk (2)

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A/N: I went back to my old stories written on a different website like 8 years ago to see how I use to write and OMG I don't know how I ever let myself hit Publish. XD

The way I wrote chapters was just so simplified. For example:

"Kaoru went to the shop to get some chocolate. When she bought one she left the shop and ate it but then tripped and face-planted the floor."

Plus spelling mistakes.

Take note, I was like 15 years old when I started them books and my writing got noticeably better over the years (with each story I wrote). >.<

Anyway, on with the story!

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Date Unknown - (Kaoru's POV)


Why has it come to this?

I don't want this.

But I feel like this is my only choice. My only way out. 

I'm afraid of what the future has to hold. I don't want to see it. Not anymore. It's probably filled with even more pain. 

This year has been so...Cruel. It's been so cruel to me that I feel like there is no end to it. Like there will be no 2017...I will be stuck in 2016 forever...Tsk. What idiotic thoughts are you giving yourself Kaoru? You're so stupid. 

Stop thinking you dumb piece of sh-...I never use to be like this did I? Hating myself so much. I use to be so bubbly and upbeat. What's the point anymore? Life finds a way to screw you over.

So, here I am on the edge of my bed staring at the device pointed at me. My eyes red and puffy from crying so much. I leaned forward and hit the record button on my camera. Leaning back I took a deep breath. Letting it out I looked at the camera's lens and began.

"Hey....It's Kaoru. I'm just gonna get straight to the point. No reason to beat around the bush." I sniffled and wiped the tears streaming down my face.

"I don't understand why everyone hate's me so much."

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December 8th 2015 - (Kaoru's POV)

It's 3:30pm and I am currently sat in a Café with the strange boy I met at the Hospital a few days ago. I was intrigued so I wanted to find out more about him. Not like he gave me much to go on anyway. I was the one doing most of the talking while he sat across from me just staring. I was slightly envious too. He was sitting there with his bare face while I was stuck wearing a hat and mask to conceal my identity.

Taking a break from talking, I sneakily pulled my mask up so I could take a sip of my Coffee. Hyuk was still silently watching me.

"Must be hard having to hide yourself away all the time. Now that you've become more popular." He finally spoke. Pulling my mask back down, I gave him a nod and placed the hot mug back on the table.

"It can be sometimes. But I'm getting use to it." I shrugged.

"I think I've said more today than I have all week. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" I laugh. I watched as he leaned forward and crossed his arms on the table.

I am Kaoru... (BTS 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now