Come Back

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A/N: I suffered through horrible acts for three days just to watch BTS for 4 minutes on Britains Got Talent. T_T

In my own personal opinion I think maybe a song like Dionysus would have worked better to...."Show off" shall we say (not that BTS try and show off. LOL). I knew how alot of ppl would react to them if they went with 'Boy With Luv' because it's actually more of like...I don't know a more chilled out song in a way? Probably the wrong word but it's hard to explain. Dionysus is more powerful with both the dance and the actual song. BWL is more of like a..."Oh wow that's a nice lil song and look at the dance too, so cute." I even showed the two songs to my sister-in-law who is Xenophobic and not a fan of them and she even said Dionysus was the better choice. >.< NOT being offensive AT ALL. I actually really like BWL. :D I just think Dionysus would have been a better choice. Don't get me wrong though they did amazing as always! But understandably it's the title track of the album so of course they would promote it. :)

This is just my opinion anyway but I'm glad they drew in some new ARMY's! Heyoooo new ARMY!  \O/


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(Namjoon's POV) - 5:30pm

Life...Really isn't easy. If it was...I guess it would be boring.

I sigh as I start contemplating my own life as I lay my head back against the couch and looked up at the ceiling.

As a leader, I need to guide the members on the right path. The one to success. But if they have other plans...Then I need to guide them one last time and help them to figure out what they really want. So at the end of it all they can say...I worked hard. I'm happy.

Hearing the front door being unlocked broke me from my thoughts as I look in it's direction. Seeing the other members walk through I stood.

"Ah, Namjoon. We didn't know where to go so we just bought a bunch of different things." Jin said as he held up four bags full of food.

"Mostly Ramyeon. It's Kaoru's favourite after all." Hoseok piped in. Giving them a nod was all I could do, too many things were going through my mind right now. Yoongi came into view after taking off his shoes and jacket, making his way past Jin he looked at my plain expression. 

"What's wrong? How did it go with Kaoru?" He wondered. I gave an exhausted sigh at the memory. All the boys gathered round to listen. Staring at some random spot behind them I gently shook my head.

"Not that great. As expected." I looked back at the older member.

"There's something you guys should know too..." I start, raking a hand through my hair. I take a deep breath.

"I've already spoken to PD-Nim. In the next few hours or so, Kaoru is going to Japan to attend her parents funeral. Only...We don't know if she's coming back." That's right, just get it out point blank. No point in tip toeing around. Confusion suddenly hit the boys as they looked at each other.

"What do you mean, Hyung?" Jimin questioned. I swallowed the lump in my throat I started biting my lip.

"She may have said it due to her emotions going haywire but...I've given her the choice. It's up to her. She said she wants to leave Bangtan." The look of hurt came over their faces.

"But...Why?" Jungkook asked, his eyes shining in the dim light. Why? I wish I knew...I shook my head at the boy.

"I don't know." I say softly. "PD-Nim said that if she doesn't show on time for our comeback in 3 days then..." I didn't wanna say it out loud. The thought of our little Kaoru not being with us on this journey anymore hurt.

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