My Roommate, Taehyung

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A/N: It's hard thinking of fillers just to get to the main story! GRR!

PS: Who is loving "Waste It One Me"? :D

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June 13th 2083 - Interview -> (Kaoru POV)

Once I finished reading the small story of me and Hoseok, I closed my Diary and looked up at the Interviewer, Hyun Ki. I was surprised to see him wiping his eyes which had teared up greatly at the old tale.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. Hyun Ki sniffed while nodding and continued to wipe his face clean. I grabbed my bag from beside me and grabbed the small packet of tissues. I handed them over to Hyun Ki who accepted them gratefully. I watched as he pulled one from the pack and dabbed his face. Once finished he returned the pack which I put back in my bag. Still holding onto the used one in case he might need it again.

Hearing more sniffles I turned to the audience and noticed more people wiping their tears. Even some of the staff. Of course Manager was a blubbering mess.

"Oh my, I didn't mean to make everyone so upset." I apologised. Hyun Ki shook his head and smiled.

"No no, it's fine. Just....Thank you for the beautiful story." He reassured. He wafted his face with his piece of paper full of questions, hoping it would somehow get rid of the tears appearing in his eyes once again. I smiled softly at the Man. I reached over and placed my hand on his own and gave it a light squeeze.

"Don't cry, even though it can be seen as a sad memory, I think of it as a happy one." Hyun Ki looked at me. The audience listening carefully.

"It was the time I had finally realised that BTS was my family. Better late than never huh?" I smiled, giving his hand another squeeze. He smiled back in return. I released his hand and leaned back in my chair. Hyun ki looked down at his watch and noticed the time.

"Ah! With all this story telling it seem's we've run out of time!" I was surprised.

"Gosh, time really does fly by." I commented.

"It sure does. One last quick question though before we go. As it's the Anniversary do you think you'll go and visit the boys? Just to check up on them maybe?" He asked. I thought for a moment. Should I go see them? It's been so long since I've gone to visit...Maybe I should. It's our 70th Anniversary after all.

"I think I may just do that. It's been a while and I think it's time for us to catch up." We chuckled. He then gestured to the camera's and the Audience.

"Any parting words for the Audience and the fans watching?" I turned to look at the camera's.

"Please, take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them."

"Wow, very wise words." He turned to the camera's. "Please remember these words as they are coming from an amazing woman. Thank you so much Kaoru for joining us today. Please take good care of yourself and I hope we get to talk even more one day." He said as he looked back at me with a big smile.

"Of course. Thank you for having me." We both bowed. 

"Give a round of applause for Kaoru Choi of BTS!" The audience gave a loud applause and some might cheers.

I smiled and bowed at the audience in my seat. It would probably take me another few years to stand back up with these crusty bones.

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