Heartfelt Confession

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A/N: Ahhh I was away all last week and I did think about writing a chapter but I only had my tablet and we all know how hard it is just to write our Facebook Passwords on those things. >.<

ALSO! Please have a listen to the 2019 Global Army Song created by Gracie! The video above! :D

Spread it on Twitter and Weverse so BTS can see it! Don't forget to tag it #2019GlobalARMYSong! 

REMINDER: Any Italics you see are Kaoru speaking from her Diary unless stated otherwise!

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February 14th (8:00am) - Comeback Day - KOREA

It's comeback day for BTS. The time when they promote their new album and title song. The boys had all woken up feeling more nervous than usual. Not just because they're promoting their new song but...Also because they're not sure if their Maknae will even show up.

They were all currently gathered in their managers car on the way to M Countdown's venue. No one had really spoken much since they woke up at 6:00am. The thought of what might happen weighing heavily on their minds. PD-Nim knows about the situation. He told them to give her until 2:00pm...Thirty minutes before they go on stage...If she doesn't show then...Well. 

Yoongi looked over at their leader who was sitting across from him looking out the window as everything passed by. He dared to speak.

"Do you think she'll come?" He questioned. His voice low and unsure. Namjoon looked over at his Hyung. He wasn't quite sure how to answer. The odds of her coming back are probably around 30% which isn't much to go off. Hearing the question the other boys turned towards their leader. Patiently waiting for an answer. Even if Namjoon believes she will come back, it's just giving them all false hope. It's up to her to decide, not them. 

He turned his face back to the window.

"I hope you guys prepared yourselves." It was the only response he could think of. Kaoru may have given them false hope at the airport...But he wouldn't. He won't even trick himself. Yoongi shook his head as he looked at the passing cars.

Understandably, the others didn't like his answer. But what could they do? Trying not to think about it even more, they all went back to what they were doing. Although one member was silently crying in the corner...His sunglasses hiding his eyes and mask soaking up the tears before they could even be noticed...His reasons were more than the possibility of his beloved member not returning.

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Japan - (Kaoru's POV)

I...Don't know what to do...I've been standing here staring at the front door for almost 10 minutes now.  My Grandmother is suppose to be coming and I honestly didn't know what to do with myself so...I put myself in front of the door and waited for her to walk in. This house just feels so empty now. It doesn't have that warm nostalgic feeling you get when you see something or visit a familiar place. I stepped through that door feeling like I didn't belong here. 

Then suddenly it hit me. 


My eyes shoot up to the door as it opened to reveal my Grandmother. Her umbrella was completely soaked from saving her from the never ending rain. I watch silently as she puts the wet object on the floor to remove her jacket and hang it up on one of the coat hooks. She releases a big sigh as she looks in the small mirror beside the hooks to fix her frazzled hair. I don't think she's noticed me yet.

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