
151 6 2

A/N: Sorry for the delay again. Was busy with it being my birthday and then the last few days were busy and then I was struggling a bit. But I'm back at it!

On with the Chapter!

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(A/N: Don't forget to right click and hit LOOP!)

Jimin's POV

I've been sitting in the waiting room of the hospital for 2 hours now. Waiting to hear anything about Kaoru's condition. It looked like it was touch and go on the way here in the ambulance due to her lack of warm clothing and bare feet, she developed severe hypothermia. Her breathing was so shallow...

I look over at Hoseok beside me. He's been on his phone since we arrived. Trying to distract himself from his thoughts. Although I don't think it's been working too well...I watch as a few stray tears fall on the glass screen. He was the one who had a good look at Kaoru when we found her. He know's how bad her condition really is...Seeing her like that must be really eating away at him inside. I reach a hand over and rest it on his arm to try and comfort him. He dropped his phone and covered his face with his hand, hiding his sorrow.

Looking over at the others sitting across from us, they were all pretty much the same...Namjoon and Yoongi had their blank expressions on. Deep in thought. Jin was trying to keep his tears at bay by looking up at the ceiling...But your eyes can only hold so much...Until they finally let go.

Taehyung and Jungkook...They had silently cried themselves to sleep. Jungkook's head lay on Tae's shoulder as they quietly slept. We're all close...But with Kookie holding the maknae title with Kaoru and Taehyung being so close in age too...Mentally that is....They're probably the closest out of everyone. Partners in crime those three.

The thought made me smile. I made sure to cover up my expression from the others.

If one of them was upto no good the others would surely follow. They took her condition particularly hard. Wondering if she would survive. No matter how much we tried to reassured them they couldn't relax until they heard it from the Doctor.

With a sigh I leaned back on my chair and moved my eyes to look at the white panelled ceiling.

Kaoru...When she's feeling up to it...We should go somewhere fun. Like an amusement park. Or even just the beach. Wherever she wants to go...


She'd like that.

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Sometime later - (Reader POV)

"Choi Kaoru?"

Hearing the familiar name, everyone rose from their seats to face the Doctor.

"How is she?" Namjoon asked. The Doctor gave a small smile to the 7 boys.

"She's still unconscious. But we've managed to bring her temperature up by giving her some intravenous fluids to warm her blood plus we've covered her in a few blankets. She's stable. It might take a while for her to wake up yet but don't worry, she's escaped the worst part. If you hadn't found her when you did then...Well she might not have been so lucky."

Everyone finally released the breath they were all holding and relaxed their muscles. Finally able to breathe easily knowing their friend was going to be okay.

I am Kaoru... (BTS 8th Member)Where stories live. Discover now