Chapter 1

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 Alisa pulled in and parked  near of the therapist's office at East Gilbert Street. The red Toyota's head lights flashed and illuminated the large oak trees at the lot's margins, which swayed back and forth, urged by the violent wind, as she locked the car.  She exhaled on the glass that looked into the office's lounge. The puff of Alisa's warm breath defogged a part of the glass, wide enough for her to peer through into the lounge. Sure enough, as she glanced through, she saw Andrea sat on the right corner of the small room on a red linen sofa. Alisa swung open the transparent glass door and strolled in. On a secend red linen sofa, were huddled two children, twins, Alisa supposed by their quasi - identical facial features.                                                                                                                                 

"Andrea" Alisa called out

.  Andrea placed the Teen Vogue magazine she had gazed through till a moment ago and smiled up at her. Even though her smile was broad, exposing the red of her gums, Alisa could tell it wasn't genuine.  Her eyes didn't sparkle and the corner of her eyes didn't crinkle as they usually did when she was happy. She could tell that her smile didn't reach her eyes, which were melancholic and distant.  Her usually wide, breathtakingly electric, radiant blue eyes, now appeared smaller and bared the color of stormy skies. 

"Ali" she echoed in sheer startlement as If Alisa were the model on the  Teen Vogue magazine that had just taken real form in front of her. 

Alisa sat beside Andrea and murmured "Are you alright?"

 Andrea smiled and kissed Alisa on the cheek. The warm and soft feel of her small, thin and smooth lips on her skin, took her back to the time she rested her forehead against her's in the mall, melted into me till I could feel the heat radiate from her warm figure and soak into my skin and kissed me with such intensity that it sen violent shivers up my spine.

"Andrea -" I muttered

"I know" she sighed "We're just friends"

"Best friends" I corrected and flashed her an affectionate smile. However, it wasn't any use, since her the corner of her lips curled up into the same tender but ingenuine smile that didn't match her frightened eyes. A Mona Lisa smile, that's what I couldn't think of. She had a Mona Lisa smile painted on her pomegranate colored lips. That's how I should describe it; A Mona Lisa Smile, one that is ambiguous and "blurred".

"What is it, Drea? Talk to me" I pleaded

"It's hell being at home" " Dad's at the bar, wasted half the day, mom's locked in their room all day and I have to run all the errands for all three of us" she sighed in a brittle voice. I could tell she used all the strength and will in her to hold back the tears that were destined to flood out at some point.

I hesitated to ask - "Andrea, Is your father —" I began, but got cut short. 

Fear flickered in her wide eyes and she tightened her hold on the armrest, Her nails dug into the linen of the sofa and left a shallow gouge in it, but she didn't seem to realize it.  "I can't tell the police just yet" "I can' t" she murmured

"Ok" I sighed"But if you change your mind, I'm here to support you" I assured and gave her small, pale, thin hand a tender squeeze. 

"Once the time's right" She mumbled in a brisk manner. I could tell by the bleakness in her once vivid blue eyes, that she couldn't the police and she wouldn't ever be able to.  

"But if he's violent at home, please tell me" "Andrea, please" I begged

"I can't" she breathed

"Mom and Marcus are in Puerto Rico" I continued "But Chris's home, stay at our house tonight, please?" I asked 

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