Chapter 18

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I took the green 100 dollar bill that I had kept in the top drawer of the hospital room nightstand. I checked the little round wood clock that stood propped on the white nightstand, which I had harbored ever since Ko's death (She had bought it for me two years ago for Christmas). The clock now read 11:00 AM. I snuck out of the half-deserted hospital and borrowed Chris's car to drive to the nearest supermarket. In the fruit section of the Flame Wood Supermarket, I scavenged for strawberries, raspberries and Lab's absolute favorite - mango. Once I placed the fruit into the red plastic cart, I grabbed sugar, bacon, whole grain bread in the general food section and fairy lights and lavender scented candles in the section labeled "Other" in bold green capitalized letters. I rushed to the end of the line at one of the two store cash registers. I heard a strident pace behind me, followed by a familiar voice. "Yo man! sucks don't it?" What time do you get off?" the deep voice beamed. I whirled around on my toes to see that standing in front of me, was my ex-boyfriend *Jhon*. His yellow hazel eyes suddenly locked with mine, eyes widening and jawline tightening.

"Ali?" he muttered

I rummaged for the 100 dollar bill in the outer zipper of my black pack, paid and crammed the food, lights, and candles in the inner layer of the backpack and ran out. I couldn't handle to look at Jhon's startled face. Not again.

I sauntered through the oak and fir trees of the woods and ran my small, thin hands through the branches and faded leaves. A squirrel hopped off the tree as I brushed through the leaves. As I roamed, I shut my eyes and let the sun soak through my pores. I let my pail, sun-denied skin absorb the warm, delicate rays.

As I approached the hole I had fallen into just a day earlier, I began to run towards it. Joy flickered through me.

Once I stood in front of it, I couldn't see any ladder propped against the inner edges of the hole. Shit, I would have to jump and strain a second leg.

"Ok, Ali, you'll be ok," I thought. "I,2,3, Jump," I thought

And I jumped in. My back throbbed and I coughed in pain. I struggled to stagger to my feet and brushed off the dust, dirt and yellow crisp, frail leaves off my jacket and black sweatpants. I took out the food, lights, and candles out of the plastic bag and placed them on the ground. I took a match and lit the candle since not much light came into the small hole of the stone tunnel. The flame agitated flustered by the chill breeze of the tunnel as if it bothered by it. I then coiled the copper wire fairy lights around all the Doric and Corinthian Greek columns in the rectangular stone room of the convent. I then lighted all 30 candles till the entire room twinkled and flickered.

Had the writer constructed the convent for the purpose of the book? Or had it already existed? How come the town didn't know about it then? I wondered.

Since now I wasn't panicked and terrified as I had been in here a day earlier, I could now see the tunnel in a different light. I could see it in a different context. I now didn't see it as part of the writer's sick creation, but I saw the beauty of it, the beautiful greek columns and the Roman-like structure of it, the beautiful narrow ancient stone corridors and circular rooms. I could sense the pleasant breeze tickle me and smell a twinge of violets, nasturtium, and lemon in the moist air. A place that had been just a day ago, sickening to me, now felt almost pleasant. Just one factor missed - Andrea. I smiled unknowingly as her name popped into my head. I took off the jacket and spread it out inside the circle of lavender scented candles, for me and Andrea to sit on.

"Music," I thought. I took out my phone from my sweatpants pocket and texted Chris:

"Can you come to the hospital?" I texted

Chris responded in the course of a couple minutes. The text read:

"I'll pass by in half- hour. You ok?"

"All good. Could I borrow your speaker?" I asked

"I'll take it with me when I pass by the hospital"

"Don't do anything stupid in the meantime" he added

"Why would you assume that?"

"I'm your brother. I have the right to assume".

I shut off Chris's phone and took the wooden ladder that lay on the ground and leaned it against the inner edge of the hole

Once in the woods again, I ran towards the hospital, which I could catch a glimpse of through the large tall oak and fir trees. I arrived at the hospital, the large glass doors slid open I and ran straight to the end of the hall to Lab's room, blocking out various nurses' protests. I knocked twice on Andrea's polymer hospital door and soon enough heard a metallic click. The door unlocked, I opened it a jar and slid in. I then braced myself against the closed door and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Hi" I grinned

"Hi Ali" she smiled broadly

"It's not the outfit for our date" I justified promptly when I noticed her scanning my wet sweatshirt and sweatpants caked in mud. I added "I have a special one just for you" I whispered flirtatiously

 Andrea smirked sexily and leaned into me till I could feel her soft, warm, minty breath upon me. She then pressed her lips against mine and I felt her gentle, cool hands run up and down my sides. She then pulled away and sat slowly and fashionably on the edge of the bed again.

"What's that for?" I asked, a thrill running through my body

she shrugged and smiled "I'm in a good mood" "That's all"

"Well, that's more than good for me" I whispered

"Go ahead"

I wriggled my sore arms out of the sleeves of my sweatshirt and folded and placed it on Andrea's white dresser. I then slipped off my sweatpants exposing my bare tan skin. I looked at Andra who had now turned her back to me and stood shifting her weight against the window. I placed a hand on her narrow, pale shoulder and she tilted her head towards me.

"You can look" I whispered

"I know..." she mumbled shily


She turned around to face my vulnerable, naked tan muscular built body. Her wide blue eyes looked at me half in fear, half in bewilderment, filled with the innocence of a child who hasn't yet been exposed to the dangers and horrors of the world. I nodded in consent as if to say "It's okay". She then placed her hand on my thigh and coursed her hand up my thighs and hips, to my shoulder and took a shallow, shaky breath before she uttered three words that sent a shiver of joy I had never felt before, down my spine. "I love you".

I lifted my tear-stained face to Andrea and smiled timidly. Then, in embarrassment, I abruptly shifted my glance to the Nordstrom shoe box on the white marble floor. Just as I wiped the tears off my cheeks with the palms of my hands, new ones began to form in my eyes, blurring my vision. 

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