Chapter 17

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As we passed our house, I asked Chris if I could stop by home.

As I hopped out of the car, Chris tossed me the house keys and I ran through the Royal Red Maple and the Sumac Tiger Eyes bushes and to the granite patio and unlocked the large white wooden door entered the house.

I raced up the stairs to my bedroom, located on the left of the corridor, across from Chris's and beside Marcus and Moms. The door creaked as I opened it.

The room looked different, unrecognizable, then again it was nearly empty; all my Faux Fir and Microplush purple and blue pillows, my green cotton thermal blanket and hypoallergenic silver bed sheets were gone. So were my transparent cosmetic organizer and my touch control table lamp. Chris figured they would go a long way to make my hospital room feel more like home. I slid opened the top drawer of my plumb fabric 3 - drawer closet and scavenged through the little clothes I had left. I came open a blue sleeveless cocktail dress with white floral lace that I had worn to my cousin Mariana's Quinceanera a year ago. "Cute enough," I thought. I took the dress and placed it into an old Nordstrom cardboard box I found among loads of Vogue magazines, Forever 21 and Target plastic bags and jolly rancher rappers of all colors. I then scavenged through the shoe closet in the corridor and grabbed a pair of high heel Stiletto pumps. Once I placed the Stilettos in the box as well, I scampered downstairs with the box clutched to my breasts and ran out the door, locking it behind me.

"All good" I beamed as I hopped into the car and gave Andera a smirk.

Once we parked in the hospital lot, Chirs faced me and asked, "You ok if I leave?" "It would be complicated to explain these lacerations to the hospital staff" he explained

"Sure, we'll be fine on our one" I assured

He gave me a warm, half concerned smile and hugged me tightly.

He sighed "Stay safe ok. Meaning, don't do anything stupid."

I gave a light laugh "I won't. I've learned my lesson, believe me."

We hopped out of the car and waved as Chris drove off.

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