Chapter 4

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"You killed me" Ko breathed "You stabbed me

Blood gushed of Ko's throat at a rapid speed

"No!" I yelled and took the bloodied kitchen knife which lay on the floor and stabbed Ray in the chest, who fell to the floor. He began to laugh and muttered "It's too late" "Charlotte's dead"

"Murderer!" I wailed

"Yes, but you're to blame"

"You're insane" I whimpered

"Am I? You let me murder Charlotte" "She's dead because of you' re ignorance" he laughed". "Murder" "Murder" he echoed and died. Ray's eyes, now deprived of life, still glared at me and whispered to me "Murder".

I looked at Ko, who wheezed on the floor, in a river of blood. "Ko, Hold on!" I yelled, "You won't die". As I bent to the floor, Ko whispered:

"Ray's right" "You are the murderer" "You murdered me"

"Ko?" "Ko?" I breathed. She lay limp on the floor, eyes fluttered open and now too, deprived of life.

"Ko!" I yelled "No, No, No' I sobbed.

"Murder, Murder, Murder" I heard Ray and Ko's spirits chant "Murder, Murder"

I feel to the kitchen floor and lay there, swamped and deluged by the chant.

"Murder" I heard a familiar, gentle, feminine voice whisper


I recognized Lab's golden hair, fair skin, thin, delicate limbs, sharp facial features, S-shaped eyebrows and hooded ocean blue eyes which lurked above me.

"Murder" she whispered

"No, Andrea, I'm not" I whimpered

"Yes you are" "Just look at your hands" she muttered

I gasped. Both hands were smeared in Ko's blood.

"No, I'm not a murder "No, No, No" "I'm not a murder, I'm not a-"

I sprung out of bed and ran straight out the room door

"Ali" I heard Chris yell behind me. Arms grabbed me by behind the legs and back and in the course of one second, I lay in my brother's arms.

"Get off me!" I yelled and squirmed

"You're ok" "You're ok" he assured

"I have to get out of here" "I'm the reason Charlotte's dead" I sobbed "Andrea knows it"

Once we were in the hospital room again, he sat me on the bed and he took a seat on the green armchair in front of me.

"Al, you're not the reason Charlotte's dead"

"But I could have stopped it"

"No you couldn't have, no one could have"

"You don't blame me then?"

"No, not at all" "Just the psycho of a murder is"

"Ray Walker"

Chris sat in silence.

"It's Ray Walker, isn't it?"

He gave a sigh "The police aren't sure"

"How aren't they sure?! She was murdered in his bedroom!"

"Yes, but since you and Andrea moved the body, the police aren't sure since Charlotte's time of death is unknown because there's nobody to examine" "Again because you two moved the body into the car which caught fought fire".

"Our phones were taken by the police to be examined, right?"


"All our messages exchanged last night prove that Ray is the murder"

"Maybe, but it's not enough evidence?"

"How is it not enough?!"

Chris sighed "A video sent by an anonymous source was sent to the C.P, Maison Lee, late last night, that made the police change standpoint"

"What video?!"

"Supposedly one of Ray Walker being tortured". "Which explains why he went missing last night".

"What?!" I gasped "But he could have orchestrated it himself and sent it himself"

"Maybe, but the police suspect Ray may have not murdered Charlotte" he sighed

"Are there any other suspects?"

"Yes, there are"


Chris's tone softened "You and Andrea"

"No" I breathed "No, you're not serious"

"Your's and Andrea's fingerprints were detected in Ray's house and a bracelet, identified by Mrs. Michaels was found in the ruins where the car caught fire"

"Because Charlotte called us and asked us to pick her up at Ray's house and when we arrived, the door was unlocked so we went in since nor she or Ray would answer the doorbell" "How the hell should we have known that we were walking into a trap?!"

"Yes, but Al, why the hell did you move Charlotte's body?!" "Yes, you didn't kill Charlotte but now because of what you idiotically did, you two are the main suspects in the case!"

"We were drunk, we didn't know what the hell we were doing, and we sure as hell didn't know that what we were doing would make us main suspects in Ko's murder!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

"I know, I know" he sighed. He hugged me tight and I buried my face in his chest.

"You'll be ok" he whispered and stamped a soft kiss on my head. I past out again in his arms. 

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