May The Best Man Win

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*Snow White Castle
(Hawk's rooom)

"You better back away Hawk Snow White. May the best man win" end of flashback........

Hawk thought about those words and just stared at the ceiling. "His the one who better back up". Hawk turns of the light and just go to sleep.

*Cinderella castle
*Adrian's room
"I liked her for so long now, I tried to find her all this years, and I won't let just a let little Snow White steal her away from me." Adrian said while looking at his and Rose's picture when they were kids.

"Hey Adrian" rose said with a smile. "Rose!" Adrian said and quickly hide the picture that he was holding. "What's that?" Rose asked. "Uhh.... nothing... hehehe." Then Adrian notices that rose was holding 2 glass of milk "what's that for?" Adrian continued. "Granny made us a glass of milk, she said I should bring it to you." Rose explained. Rose walks over and gave Adrian the milk and they drank it together. "Granny wanted you to be comfortable here at Cinderella castle while your grandma and parents are away" rose said. "Don't worry, that would be easy. "Alright....." rose said. The two finished drinking their milk. "Rose....." Adrian said as he lean closer to rose and grabbed her hand and pulled rose outside the garden patch.

"What are we doing here?" Rose asked. "Remember? When we were kids and our parents won't let us play outside when it's dark we would sneak outside right." Adrian said. "Yeah.... and we would play hide and seek, and tag" rose said. "Haha right. Tag your it!" Adrian run quickly. "Not fair!" Rose quickly run and tried to tag Adrian. And the two just laugh and laugh while playing, like they were children again.

Then they heard the guard. "Oh no. If granny finds out about this she'll be mad." Rose said. "Come on!" Adrian said. The two run and hide right before the guard sees them. The two breath in relief as soon as they saw the guard walks away. "Hahahhahaha. That was close" rose said. "Hehe right" Adrian said. "We better head inside" rose said. "Ok" Adrian replied.

Rose goes inside leaving Adrian behind, then Adrian noticed a shiny thing on the ground. The moon's light must have reflected on that. Adrian picked it up and saw it was a necklace. "This necklace... why is it so familiar?" Adrian walks inside the castle and into his room. He stared at the necklace and realized "wait isn't this the necklace that Rose's brother gave to her years ago? She must have dropped it, and no one notices." Adrian hid the necklace and began to sleep.

At regal academy

As usual everybody was in there hanging spot. Travis was painting ling ling, Astoria reading a book, joy was sleeping with her frog, and hawk was eating apples. But hawk was a little worried that rose wasn't there yet. "Why isn't she here yet? Maybe he totally stole her away from me" hawk said while staring at his apple. "Who stole something from you?" Astoria asked. "Nothing! Hehehe...." hawk said while looking away. "Hey guyyyyyssssss!!!!" Rose screaming taking the attention of everyone. While running Rose tripped on a rock but Adrian caught him that was behind her. "Be careful" Adrian said while holding rose in his arms.

Hawk saw the scene and he was about to explode. Then he suddenly came up with an idea. Hawk walks over towards them, "rose, can you help me?" Hawk asked trying to break the between Adrian and Rose. "Sorry hawk...but rose has something else to do, right rose?" Adrian said looking intimidated towards the Snow White. "Sure, I'll help you" rose said. "What!" Adrian said in shocked. "I can help hawk, besides I have nothing else to do anyway" rose said while smiling and walking towards hawk. "Yes" hawk said to his mind and looking fiercely to the sleeping beauty. The two walked away leaving the sleeping beauty behind.

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