Returning Home

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Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th was in the trenches. He was fighting alongside the tommies as they blew the German bastards to hell. A whistling noise was heard along with the accompanying shout of "GET DOWN!" Before huge sprays of mud were blasted into the air.

It was November 11th 1918. He hadn't seen his wife or little girl in just under a year. The only thing he had of them were the letters he received once a month. He touched the photo he'd put in his jacket right over his heart. It was of his little daughter smiling as his beautiful wife laughed. On the back she'd written the date and how old Anya was. His little girl had turned 3.

Steve clapped him on the shoulder. "It'll all be over soon. One way or another." He was right. Today felt different. Another blast threw them all down as bodies were flung everywhere. Steve helped him up and Bucky cautiously looked over the top. A spray of bullets made him duck before he turned to Steve and saw him returning fire.

A messenger came running into their section. "They've surrendered, the Germans have lost!"

"Then why the bloody hell are they still firing?!"

"At 11 the armistice treaty is being put into place, we've won!" Cheerful shouts rose as the men realised they'd all be going home. Steve however brought them back to the grim reality.

"It ain't 11 yet folks. We've still got ten minutes."

Renewed with fresh vigour a few reckless idiots tried to launch themselves into no man's land. They were quickly gunned down. One was still alive and cried out for help. This was nothing new and Bucky was ready to ignore it, there was nothing they could do to save him. Steve however was always ready to put his life on the line for others. "Steve! DON'T DO IT!" He just looked at his friend before hoisting himself up the ladder and running.

Bucky would be damned if he let Steve go out there alone. "Oh no you don't pal, I'm with you till the end of the line, remember?" They grasped each other's shoulders before hauling the wounded man out of the squelching bog. Another shell went off and they staggered. Steve dropped back into the trenches and Bucky lowered the soldier down after him.

Unfortunately he was too late. Another explosion threw him further away. Bits of twisted metal and shrapnel imbedded itself in his flesh and he screamed in agony. He heard Steve's answering cry as he realised his mate had just disappeared. "BUCKY! BUCK!" Bucky forced himself onto his stomach, blood dripping from several deep gashes. The thought of his wife and daughter propelled him to his knees. He half crawled half dragged himself in the direction of the trenches.

Steve saw him and pulled the barbed wire apart so he could get through. Blood dropped from Steve's palms as the razor wire dug into them. Bucky was so close, so close. He raised himself up and reached for the edge when a bullet whizzed past and buried itself into his back. His eyes went wide as a dark stain bloomed on both his front and his back. Steve screamed in anguish as his child hood friend sagged forward and toppled head first into the trench.

Natasha heard on the radio that all their boys would be coming home. She was overjoyed. Her and Anya danced around the living room as people moved into the streets to celebrate the end of the war. She laughed as a very pregnant Peggy burst through the door. They grasped hands and joined in with the celebrations. Little Anya was sat on her hip as they twirled and danced to the most wonderful news. She could just imagine her husband walking in through their door and kissing both his girls. They'd be a family and Steve! Steve would get to witness his child's birth. Laughter bubbled up in her chest as she and Peggy eagerly waited for the arrival of their husbands.

A few days later they heard word that the 107th boys were on their way. They were sitting in Peggy's parlour when the doorbell rang. Anya raced on little legs to get it with her aunt and mother following closely behind. "Uncle Steve!" She giggled as he picked her up and swung her around.


"Peg." They looked at each other with such love that Natasha took Anya and turned away. She quickly checked for her own husband. Maybe he'd gone to their house.

"Steve, where's James?" It was only then she noticed his puffy red eyes and drooping form. "Steve?" She choked up a little as he refused to look at her. Peggy clutched him to her and Natasha told Anya to go inside.

"But I wanna see poppa."

"Do as you're told young lady." She didn't mean to be harsh but Steve was scaring her. Anya rushed inside.

He started crying and Natasha felt her heart break. "No, no please Steve, tell me it's not true." He produced a bloodstained photo and gave it to her. She sank to the floor with a hand over her mouth as she looked at the photo she'd sent him a few weeks ago. Tears flowed as her body trembled with sobs.

"I'm sorry Nat, he was right there in front of me and I couldn't do anything. They took him away and told me he was dead. I'm so sorry I just..." He dissolved into sobs of his own.

"Mamma? What's wrong?" Anya peeked her head around the door and Natasha opened her arms. Anya ran into them and buried her head in her chest.

"Poppa's not coming home sweetie, he and uncle Steve were somewhere very dangerous. Poppa didn't make it."

"Poppa's not coming home?"

"No sweetie, it's just you and me." The little girl started sniffling and then wailing. Natasha hugged her closer and their tears mingled together.

A/N For Armistice day 100 years since the 1st world war ended. Might do a part 2.

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