A New Year, A New Start

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Steve knocked on Bucky's door and waited for an answer. When none came he let himself in and shook his head at all the mess. Clearly he was not dealing with the breakup well. Ever since she'd walked out on him Bucky had been moping. Smashed bottles and torn up photographs lay scattered throughout the apartment and Steve sighed as he leaned down to pick up one that was surprisingly whole. The red head in the image was posing in front of the Empire State Building. Steve must admit he thought the breakup was for the best. Dots was shallow and selfish, Steve thought that she only used Bucky to look good. It was a toxic relationship and he was glad it was over. Unfortunately his pal didn't seem to think the same.

"C'mon Buck. You and I both know that sulking won't bring her back. It's been three weeks man. Time to move on." Bucky just sighed. Steve rolled his eyes and punched him. Bucky looked up in shock. "Quit moping around and get cleaned up. I'm taking you skating. A new year a new start." With that Steve turned on his heel and started prepping dinner.

After a while Bucky finally met Steve in the kitchen. He surveyed all the food and didn't waste any time wolfing it down. Steve watched satisfied before tossing him his keys and grabbing a coat. "C'mon, we're going out."

Meanwhile Clint was dragging a brooding Natasha around Central Park. "C'mon Tasha, please."
"I don't see the point. Just leave me to myself and vodka and I'll be happier than I'll be here." Clint crossed his arms and glared.
"Don't bullshit me young lady. I know Alexei cheated on you and I know you're trying to pretend he never existed but you still have to have fun. C'mon please. Look it's a new year that means it's a new start. Let's go." He continued pulling her along until he got to the ice rink that had been set up. She rolled her eyes but felt a slight smile twitch on her lips.

Unfortunately as she was fastening on her boots Clint spotted a friend and dashed off to say hi. She rolled her eyes at him and decided to go on without him.

Bucky and Steve finally reached the ice rink. Unfortunately as Bucky paid, Steve spotted Sam and Clint and dashed off towards them. Bucky shook his head at his friend before deciding to just do it alone. Steve was never very fond of ice anyway.

However, Bucky remembered how terrible he was at skating when he stepped onto the slick ice and fell over almost straight away. He used the barrier to climb back up and take a few shaky steps. A group of fast kids shot past him and he let go and slid away from the side. He panicked and tried to slide back.

Bucky stumbled and before he could catch himself careened into another skater. They collided in a flailing of limbs and tumbled to the floor. He banged his head against the ice and groaned as little stars burst behind his eyes. He shook them away and focused on the figure sprawled over his chest. He chuckled as she flicked her hair away and turned to stare at him, trying to untangle the mess they'd caused. "Move pretty boy."
"Pretty boy?" He smirked as he sat up and truly took in the tiny red head he'd crashed into. She was gorgeous and suddenly his breakup with Dots seemed like a distant memory. "I guess you could say you fell for me baby." He winked at her and she sneered in disgust.
"Please, look who's on top of who."
"I'd let you top me anytime." A roguish grin slipped onto his face and in spite of herself Natasha felt a small laugh bubble up. His grin only widened as she snorted and then tried to pass it off as disgust.

She managed to get up and waited for him to as well. Unfortunately he couldn't. He embarrassingly tried to struggle up on his own but ended up slipping and falling back on his ass. She laughed and offered him a hand. He took it gratefully and used her like a support beam to make it back onto his feet. He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, losing the bad boy vibe. "Anyway sorry for bumping into you, as you can clearly see I have never skated before." She held in a laugh as he clutched onto her tighter because a group of kids shot past them. "Punks." He muttered. Now she really did laugh.
"I'll teach you."
"Sure." She smiled and he returned it. However he quickly lost it as she slid backwards and he was pulled forwards.
"Woah woah woah, not so quick." She laughed again and continued pulling him forward.
"See, it's not so bad." He started to get into the swing of it and stood up a little more confidently. She released his hands and he cruised for a split second before panicking and falling flat on his face. This time she doubled over, practically in tears as he grunted and pushed himself onto his knees. She wasn't laughing long because he lunged forward and tackled her down too.

The little ruckus caused them to be thrown out and Natasha scolded Bucky. He just stuck his tongue out at her but was greeted with a face full of snow. He coughed and gasped as it slipped down his coat collar. Spitting it out he turned to glare at the smirking red head, her arms crossed in challenge. "That was harsh."
"Oh really?"
"Mmhmmm." He stepped closer to her. "I think you should make it up to me." She quirked an eyebrow again. "At least tell me I was a good skater." She snorted.
"You were terrible." He leant down and kissed her. Surprisingly she let him, and then started to kiss back, melting into it. He pulled away.
"What about now?"
"Still an F on skating but I'll give you a B in kissing."
"A B!!!" He exclaimed in indignation. "A B! I was at least an A!!"
"You wish."
"Oh I know I'm a fabulous kisser."
"Still a B pretty boy." She winked before walking away. His mouth hung open in shock. No way was she getting away with that.

He chased after her and grabbed her arm. He spun her around and dipped her into another kiss. This time he held one hand on the small of her back and the other slid through her hair. She gasped in shock and he slipped his tongue in. She responded eagerly and brushed through his own hair with her fingers. At some point the countdown started and fireworks went off as 2019 started. They pulled apart. "Now that, was definitely an A." She laughed breathily. He smirked.
"You always did have a thing for red heads."

A/N Happy new year for tomorrow/tonight. :)

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