The 107th Newest Recruit

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With a few strokes of his pencil Steve added the final touch to his rough little sketch. The monkey leered at him from atop the unicycle. The rain had cleared up but the mood was still grey and the atmosphere heavy. Steve was humiliated by his previous performance and wanted to hide his head in shame. The soft clacking of heels drew his attention and he smiled wearily as Peggy joined him.

"A lab rat or a dancing monkey? Is that how you see yourself?" He sighed.

"I was made for so much more than this. I could be doing so much more. Both my best friends are on the front lines whilst I'm stuck here singing and dancing in ridiculous boots." Peggy rubbed his arm gently.

"What you're doing is helping Steve. Bond sales soar in every state you visit." He chuckled dryly.

"Yes because selling bonds is the same as fighting in the trenches like Bucky and Nat. I can't believe they even let her go." Peggy bristled and Steve quickly amended. "Not because she's a woman but because she's not good at listening and following orders. I can't count the many times she used to get us in trouble." He chuckled softly and Peggy squeezed his arm.

"Look, about the show, the men are struggling at the moment. What you saw there was the last of the 107th." Steve's head whipped up.

"The 107th?" He whispered hoarsely. Peggy nodded, confused. Steve leapt up and sprinted towards the colonel's tent. A convey almost ran him over as it pulled up sharply and several wounded soldiers were lifted down in stretchers.

"Medic! Hurry he's losing a lot of blood! Jackson help Murray bring Daniels. Rodriguez careful with Conway. Phillips find the colonel and Gustav fetch the medics. Hurry people move it!" Steve recognised that voice. The petite red head stood holding down the tailgate and barking orders left right and centre. She was in no position of high ranking yet the men scrambled around and followed her instructions like they were the law itself.

"Nat?!" Her head snapped towards him and her jaw dropped open.

"Steve?" He took in her appearance, soot streaked face, ashy hair hung in greasy clumps and blood smeared across her uniform. A nasty gash had been opened dangerously close to her eye but she appeared unbothered by it. "What the hell happened to you? Someone's been eating their veggies." He held back a snort as he pulled her fiercely into his arms. She smelt of dirt and gunpowder and at first it was slightly awkward since she used to be taller than him.

"Steve?" He let go of Nat and turned towards Peggy. Natasha peered around his back and eyed the uniform. A grin split across her face.

"They finally accepting more women? About damn time." Peggy watched her carefully. Nat stepped forward and held out her hand. Peggy shook it hesitantly.

"I'm Agent Margaret Carter. You must be Steve's friend."

"Agent? Wow. And yes ma'am, Natasha Romanoff front line strategist. I'm more Steve sister than anything else though."

"Please, call me Peggy." The respect Peggy suddenly had towards Natasha eased Steve. Then he remembered Bucky.

"Nat where's Buck?" Her whole demeanour changed. Her face paled and she closed her eyes against the sound of gunfire and screaming that raged within her head.

"They got him Steve. Hydra got him." Steve shook his head before turning away and storming into the colonels tent. Natasha only watched him leave, Peggy chasing after him. She returned to the task at hand, helping her fellow soldiers and pushing back the biting grief of James's capture.


It was early next morning when Natasha woke to the sounds of shouting. She hadn't slept well and wasn't in the mood for any male testosterone. She rubbed her eyes blearily and stroked the picture on her bedside. It was a snapshot of the three of them at Coney Island. James had an arm looped around her waist whilst she and Steve playfully fought over the last corn dog. All three were beaming at the camera and it reminded her of better times. Last night she'd finally come to terms with James's capture and the fact that he was thirty miles behind enemy lines being experimented on. She'd cried herself to sleep and whispered his name, pretending he was there to hold her. That and she'd been lamenting at Steve's loss too. The idiot had recklessly thrown himself into the fight all alone and with no back up. She was sure she'd lost him too.

Needless to say she wasn't in a good mood when she flung open her tent and marched out in only her tank top and standard army trousers. Her combat boots were unlaced and her hair was dragged up in a messy ponytail, whichever buffoon was responsible was about to get their ass kicked.

Jackson rushed past her, waving his arms and cheering. She grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and bent him down to her height. "What the hell is all that racket." He just grinned.

"Haven't you heard? They're back! Captain America saved them! Our boys are back Nat!" She let him go in surprise and he ran off towards the gate. She was hot on his heels and shoved her way through the crowds. Everyone who recognised her parted but those who didn't had sharp elbows to the ribs.

There. There right at the front were her two boys. Steve looked proud and happy whereas James just looked relieved. He was looking for someone. Her, she realised. "James!" His eyes found hers and she pushed herself free from the crowd.

He dropped his gun as they both ran for each other and met in the middle. She fisted his shirt in one hand and pulled him as close as she could. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed so hard she was lifted off the ground. He span her around before setting her firmly on her feet. She closed the gap between them and they kissed, their lips moving together in a familiar pattern.

Wolf whistles and cheers rose up around them and they broke apart blushing. Steve was grinning goofily and clapping the loudest of them all. "Let's hear it for captain America!" Bucky yelled and everyone hooted and called louder. Natasha leant up to whisper in Steve's ear.

"You and I are having words later mister." He tried to smile but failed miserably before being swept up in the crowd of grateful soldiers. James slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her back to him. They watched the little punk being celebrated and smiled at each other. They were all together. For now.

A/N I've been toying with this concept for a while now. For anyone's who's confused about the update yesterday my phone spazzed and everything kinda flipped hence why it's no longer up. I'll probably republish it in a few day though.

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