Saturday Detention

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"Miss Romanoff, feet off the table." Natasha rolled her eyes and popped her gum. Her fingers flew quickly over the keyboard as she texted Clint. They'd been separated since every teacher knew never to leave those two in a room unsupervised. He responded almost as quickly and she let out a huffy laugh at his exaggeration. "Miss Romanoff I won't tell you again." She sighed loudly before scraping her boots against the wood and dropping them to the floor.

Professor Thanos of global economics took too much pleasure in overseeing the Saturday detentions. He stood at the head of the library and waited for the clock to signal the start. Natasha took the time to suss out her inmates. There was Steve Rogers, captain of the wrestling team, Bruce Banner, perfect student, and finally prissy boy Barnes, the fuck boy. Ugh, Natasha banged her head on the desk, how she wished Clint was here.

Meanwhile Clint was wishing the exact same thing. In his company he had Thor, captain of the football team, Loki, a complete and utter weirdo, and Tony Stark, the human embodiment of sarcastic bitch. He threw his head back and groaned, ignoring professor Schmidt's scowl.

Eight o clock signalled the start of detention and professor Thanos handed out paper and pencils. "I want a thousand word essay on why you think that your behaviour is acceptable. And no Miss Romanoff, that does not mean you write one word a thousand times." He fixed her with a stare which she returned with a challenging grin. She picked up her pencil and scribbled furiously on her paper, school is shit so I treat it as such, to make it better fire Thanos, Schmidt and Pierce. School is shit. School is shit. School is shit.

Thanos snatched her paper and tore it to shreds. "Another Saturday detention Miss Romanoff, I want a proper structured essay." She rolled her eyes. "And another Saturday."

"Wow, so disappointed."

"Another one."


"And another. I can go on and on miss Romanoff do you want more?"

"Eh why not."

"And another."

"Stop will you." Both heads snapped towards Bucky. He was glaring at Natasha. She raised an eyebrow challengingly but he didn't back off.

Thanos returned to the front. "Now my office is just across the hall. No one moves, no one talks and no one causes any trouble. Am I clear?" He stared pointedly at Natasha. She saluted him and then when his back was turned, flew him the bird.

As soon as he was in his office Natasha swung her feet back onto the table and began texting again. Steve looked at her nervously. "Aren't you going to write your paper?" She looked up.


"Are you going to write your paper?" Bucky scoffed,

"Of course not Steve, I doubt she even knows what an essay is."

"Excuse you but I could write a perfectly structured essay on the thousand things I hate about you." She snarled at him.

Steve looked taken aback and turned to Bruce instead who'd already finished. Bucky and Natasha locked eyes and stared each other down. It was interrupted only by the opening of a window. "C'mon Tasha," they all whipped around to see a sandy blonde kid climbing into the classroom.

"Perfect timing Clint." Natasha hopped out of her seat and darted towards freedom. Unfortunately she was pulled back by Bucky.

"What the hell?"

"Get off me Barnes."

"No way Talia. Either you stay here or we come with you. You're not leaving us with Thanos."

"Don't call me that." She scowled at him.

Steve and Bruce nodded in agreement with Bucky. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "It's fine Tash, I busted the others out too." She glared at Clint as he gestured outside and she saw the kids from his detention. She groaned and beckoned them forward. Clint stood on one side and Natasha on the other. Bucky stood right behind her whilst they helped Steve and Bruce through.

"Go on Barnes." He clambered through and they waited for her. Her boot was on the sill when everyone heard the unmistakable sound of Thanos and Schmidt walking towards them.

Clint frantically tried to pull Natasha through but she kicked him off. "Go!" She whispered. She slammed the window shut and bolted out of the classroom door, waving behind her to tell the others to move. They watched as she barrelled into Thanos and Schmidt, diverting their attention, and breathed a sigh of relief when they took off after her.

Natasha let them catch her and was forcefully shoved into the janitors closet. Both were cruel and turned the lights off outside before locking the door. She hoped Clint had gotten the others out. Her phone was confiscated so she had nothing to do. She sat and waited. Waited and waited. Sitting on the floor, playing with the strings of a mop. Tying and untying. Knotting and unknotting. Breathing and, well breathing. She slumped down and groaned. She was bored. BORED!

Finally the door swung open and a panting Barnes was shoved in. She scooted under the shelf to make room for him. "Where's Romanoff?"

"Probably in the cupboard down the hall."

"Alright no funny business mister. You'll be joining Romanoff every Saturday for a month with that stunt you just pulled." And with that the door slammed shut again and they were plunged into darkness.

"What did you do?"

"HOLY SHIT!" Barnes jumped and knocked everything over. Natasha snorted and revealed her hiding spot. "I thought they put you somewhere else."

"Eh. A boy and a girl locked in a janitors closet, how do you think they'd take that?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, not that he could see but he still got the innuendo.

"Really? Closet sex? Wow Romanova you haven't changed one bit."


"Hypocrite? Hey at least I have standards."

"So do I."

"Oh really? What about when you cheated on me with Alexei?"

"I never cheated on you! The jerk made a move and I removed his balls. You cheated on me!"

"I was mad at you so I kissed the first girl I saw. It didn't mean anything!"

"Well how was I supposed to know!"

The closet was very small and as both stood defensively there wasn't much space left. They were practically chest to chest and the stifling heat didn't make anything better. "I hate you."

"Love you too." He crushed her against the shelves and practically devoured her. She jumped up onto his hips and fought against him for dominance. Their jackets dropped off and her shirt was thrown into the corner. She scrammed her nails down his back and took delight in his hissing. In response he bit down on her neck and shivered at her moan. They rose against each other and passionately bruised the other. Hips rocked, hair was pulled and skin was marked.

They finished panting and sweating and helping each other find their clothes in the dark. When they were finally let out they were both fixed with hard stares from the professors and promised another three months of detentions.

A/N would anyone read a winterwidow version of the breakfast club?

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