Powered People

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Shield High was completely off grid. It used an anti gravity system to constantly float around the globe, its location was never the same. Only a few select officers were entrusted with the coordinates. This was to keep normal people out of harms way. You see Shield was a school for Powered People. Every year the elite would gather and be sorted into categories. Every year the seniors would leave and the freshmen would join. The school housed over 1000 pupils.

Bucky was a transfer from the other Powered People school known as Hydra High. Those that went there often became villains. His best friend Steve promised to help him adjust. He arrived with the freshmen and followed them towards the gym. On the way he noticed Steve with a bunch of people. Steve spotted him and waved. They were waiting for the principal to arrive. "Hey Buck."

"Hi Steve, these your friends?"

"Yeah there's Tony, Sam, Bruce, Clint, Thor and-"


"Barnes." The red head regarded him coldly.

"You guys know each other?"


"Yes." She glared at him. "I'm hurt Natalia, you don't remember me? Not even after all the fun we had?" He smirked at her as flames danced along her fingertips.

"Watch it Buck, she's a dangerous one."

"Oh I know." She turned on her heel and marched off, Clint glanced between the two before hurrying off after her.

"I've got to go, see you in class?"


Bucky entered the gym and listened to some guy prattle on about power categories. He looked up lazily when he felt everyone's eyes on him. "Ok emo, you're up." He glared at the coach as he brushed his hair from his eyes. He stood on the platform and just stared. "Anytime princess." He grinned and lowered the temperature in the room. Snow began to drift from the ceiling and ice frosted over his bionic arm. He formed little crystals in his flesh hand and sharpened them. With astonishing speed and force he hurled them across the room where they embedded themselves in the pillar. The coach looked at him appraisingly. "Elemental section. Ok tough guy I'm putting you with Romanoff she should knock you down a peg, report to room 21B."

He sauntered out of the classroom and made his way to 21B, science. He tapped on the glass and walked in. "I'm looking for Romanoff?" The teacher gestured for someone to move and he grinned as the space next to Natalia became empty.

"What's your name?"

"Bucky Barnes."

"Ok Mr Barnes please take your seat next to Miss Romanoff."

"Romanoff huh?"

"Shut it Barnes."

"What's your first name?"


"I don't like it."

"What a surprise." She ignored him for the rest of the lesson.

When the bell rang she reluctantly showed him the cafeteria. He grabbed a tray and met with Steve. "So how'd it go?"

"Just great. I'm in Elemental with miss moody bitch over there." Steve just laughed.

"Natasha's not so bad, at first she comes off as cold and unfeeling but really she's a softie. Don't tell her I called her that." They made their way over to the table.

Small chit chat broke out among their table, Bucky found out Stark shot laser beams and Bruce became a giant rage monster. Barton had heightened sight and had an increased healing ability whilst Sam was apparently able to fly. Steve was just super strong. "What about you Natasha," he stressed her new name. "What's your story?"

"Bite me."

"Been there done that."

"Yes as I recall you always did behave like an animal, maybe that's why they sent you to play with the mutts."

"Ooh shots fired."

"Shut it Wilson. You wanna go there Natalia? Tell me, do your new friends know about the academy?"

"Of course they do." But fear glinted in her eyes he grinned smugly.

"Oh really? They know about Drakov's daughter, the hospital fire?" The ends of her hair ignited.

"I was no more the villain than you were, Hydra just kept you obedient. Do you still roll over for them? What if they say the magic words?" He growled at her as ice started covering the table.

"Watch what you say."

"Why? I thought nothing could penetrate you, or is that another myth of the Winter Soldier? Tell me Soldat, did I burn you cold heart like you froze mine? Or was it all another mind game made to break me created by our superiors?" He snapped and lunged at her. Students screamed and scattered as fire and ice leapt across the room. Natasha danced around Bucky, her fingertips singing his clothes. She was playing with him, until he gripped her by the wrist. She tried heating up her skin but instead he froze it. Frostbite started to spread up her arm. "Release me James or so help me I shall light that mop on your head like a blazing haystack."

He just grinned and let go, kicking her away as he did so. She span with the force and threw her hands out in an attempt to catch herself. He caught her by the waist and turned so he was dipping her. She curled her fingers into his shirt. "Does this remind you of how thing were?"

"Of how things were before you left you mean." Smoke rose from the charred holes. He threw her away and directed a stream of ice. She twisted and twirled to avoid it but a single blade managed to snag her jacket, wrenching her back and pinning her to the wall.

He walked towards her lazily as she desperately tried to melt her restraints. He made the wall colder. The floor frosted over and little flakes crept up her legs. She began shivering and trying to summon her power, but to no avail. He finally reached her. "When was the last time you had a workout like that?"

"Honestly, everyone here is a pathetic drip." She grinned up at him. He curled a piece of hair around her ear.

"I missed you." Sparks exploded from every inch of her and a raging inferno washed out in a tremendous wave.

Steve who had been going to intervene was blown back. "BUCKY!" And indeed everyone understood his anguish because in front of them was a roaring fire that twisted and turned, completely engulfing the two. How was anyone supposed to survive that? Fortunately Bucky kept his body cool enough to counter the flames.

As the ice melted and freed Natasha she wound her fingers in his hair as he pulled her closer and they kissed. "I still hate you."

"Don't care."

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" The fire instantly vanished and both Natasha and Bucky stood with crossed arms. Principal Fury marched towards them. Professor Hill took Natasha whilst Professor Coulson took Bucky. They both knew they could break out if they wanted to but remained placid.
"This isn't over Romanoff, I'll get you back." She smirked.

"I'm counting on it." She dropped him a barely imperceptible wink before being hauled off to the detention centre.

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