A Train Ride To Freedom

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Soft flakes of snow spiralled from the grey sky above the Bolshoi theatre. Men and women were wrapped up in thick layers of furs as the Russian cold bit at any exposed flesh.

A couple burst out of the back door. Both were flushed in the cheeks and seemed a little punch drunk, the girl especially as she twirled and span in an imitation of the show. The boy was laughing along with her and showering her with praise. The boy's scruffy hair and worn coat put him in great contrast to the sleek fur and immaculate hair of his red haired counterpart.

From within his pocket the boy produced two train tickets. The girl practically squealed as she threw her arms around him. He stumbled back but patted her hair teasingly. "I swiped 'em right from under his nose. The fat old bastard didn't notice a thing." She surprised them both by pecking him on the cheek.

"Thank you." He waved her off.

"You know I'd do anything for you, we're a team remember? Just two lonely orphans fighting to find a place in this cruel and unjust world." He posed dramatically and she whacked him on the arm.

"C'mon James, we've got a train to catch." They hurried towards the busier parts of the city and slipped easily through the hurrying people.

The large steam engine took their breath away as it loomed above them, all shiny and polished with only a light dusting of powdery snow. Natalia crossed her fingers as the station guard checked their tickets. "No luggage?" They shook their heads and he eyed them suspiciously. "Where are you going?"

"St Petersburg. I'm a dancer at the Bolshoi Theatre but my fiancé here is a travelling performer. We're going to St Petersburg to break the news of our engagement to his grandmother. Our wedding is in France and our venue is in the most gorgeous country house that his family owns and the wine is simply magnificent! Unfortunately his grandmother is too ill to travel so we're going to pay her our respects and hope she wishes us well." She was about to continue babbling on about their perfect wedding and large connection of family members but the guard simply rolled his eyes and waved them through.

She and James shared a congratulatory high five before boarding the train and letting the conductor lead them to the correct carriage. Their compartment was small and cramped but was room enough for the both of them. Since their journey was a long one they were allowed to keep it all to themselves, the set up allowing them to sleep on the benches whilst their few possessions were stored above.

As they settled in for a long journey, Natalia kicked her feet up onto James's lap and leaned against the cool window pane behind her. "Not a bad lie back there." She hid the smug smirk that briefly twisted her lips before adopting an innocent expression.

"I'm quiet sure I don't know what you mean." James snorted.

"I think I'd remember proposing to someone like you. You'd probably do it first!" She smiled easily and their conversation drifted from topic to topic, eventually landing on his hare brained conspiracy theories.

"You could be a princess with the way you dance." She saw where this was going and refrained from spitting out a sarcastic retort.

"Don't be ridiculous James."

"I'm not, you could be the great Anastasia." He seemed so earnest and keen that she sort of hated to ruin his belief.

"Stop it, that's a myth told to little girls."

"Whatever, except we know that Anastasia was a girl and she did go missing. But if you don't believe in miracles then oh well." He shrugged his shoulders, forcing himself to adopt a semi casual state and to pretend her adamant refusal to at least try and see from his perspective didn't hurt.

"Stop, look once we get to St Petersburg we're practically home free. Imagine where we can go, Paris, London, anywhere in the whole world." She smiled dreamily at the thought. James may be enthralled at the thought of mysteries but she was just as enraptured by the prospect of travelling.

"That's all very well but we need to get there first, so what you need to do is be quiet, change into something less conspicuous, and get some sleep." His voice adopted the tone of a bossy mother hen, one she didn't like at all.

"James?" She asked innocently.

"Yes mili moi."

"Do you really think I'm royalty?" She stared wide eyed at his curious gaze.

"Well of course." He was slightly confused by her sudden interest. However he wasn't prepared for her sudden rebuke.

"Then stop bossing me around!" She humphed and crossed her arms, savouring his gobsmacked expression from the corner of her eye.

His mouth dropped open in shock. His mind scrabbled for a witty retort but it was too late. Natalia had already chalked up her win and was curling into the seat. His large coat was draped over the seat and practically smothered her as she crawled beneath it. Her fiery red hair had been pulled out of the too tight bun and now exploded in messy curls. Her eyes drifted close and her small form semi relaxed.

Still grumbling slightly at her 'win' in their game of wits, James waited until her breaths evened out before tucking in the edges and brushing aside the flyaway hair. Her pink lips parted as she inhaled and exhaled softly. He admired the light freckles dusted across her nose and the lashes so long they almost tickled her cheek. They were partners in crime that was all. Just two desperate orphans seeking some adventure. Then why did he feel so strangely about her?

He turned away before his staring became creepy and took the opposite bench. He stretched out his legs as far as he could before curling the top half of his body inwards. It was uncomfortable but better than sleeping on the floor. He fell asleep to the gentle rocking of the carriage and the soft rumble of the engine, Natalia opposite him curling more protectively into his warm coat.

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