Mirror Mirror

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The cool water running from the faucet washed away the blood. It dripped rhythmically into the cracked bowl and gathered in little droplets. Salty tears fell irregularly, accompanied by the sniffling of a runny nose.

The girl raised her head to the mirror, assessing the latest damage. Her chapped lips parted as she exhaled a shallow breath. Pain flared in her abdomen and she closed her eyes, hands clenching around the worn porcelain.

From the other side of the glass a boy watched. His eyes filled with sadness for the poor soul. He wished he could say that this shocked him, unfortunately it was a common occurrence. He turned away as she lifted the hem of her t shirt and discarded it behind her. Without looking, he already knew that where there was once pale and flawless skin, now it was purple and tender.

"It's ok James. It's not too bad today." He looked back again and saw the girl searching for him. A lifetime ago they'd been happy together. Happy but foolish. As a result of their stupidity they were cursed always to be near enough to see but too far away to touch. He was trapped in this mirror whilst she was trapped with her father. She couldn't see or hear him but she knew he was there. Sometimes they'd write to each other when the mirror steamed up. Sometimes she'd kiss the mirror, a quick peck to say goodnight, and he'd touch his cheek and pretend it was real.

He tried to leave, to phase out into the place between looking glasses but as if sensing his presence disappearing, she called out to him. He turned back and watched with sad eyes as she pressed her palm against her own reflection. Unbeknownst to her, he did the same. Their hands separated by a thin veil of supernatural force.

"Sometimes I wonder whether you can hear me, or whether I'm just crazy and it's all some hallucination I've dreamt up to escape reality. I've read about cases like those." He shook his head on the other side.

"You're not crazy! I can hear you. I can hear you!" He tried to say but no words came out. He was mute to her. His voice fell upon deaf ears, the walls around him smothering any and all sound. Only her voice could penetrate through, sweet and melodic. An Angel's hymn filling the silence of a demon's den. It filled him with an immense amount of joy and happiness, but at the same time a deep and incessant yearning that burned him to the core. His heart ached for her just as his fingers ached to run through her tangled red curls and he ached to bury his head in the crook of her neck and breath in her scent of burning wood and fragrant lilies. How he longed to pull her close in his arms and listen to the rain outside whilst whispering gentle words and hopeful promises.

He longed to be with her. To hold her close and to feel the soft touch of her warm lips. To escape from here and to laugh proper belly aching, breath taking, toe curling laughs. He wanted to take her out on dates and to make her feel like the most special girl in the world, to convince her that she was the most gorgeous of all beings and that no one could hold a candle to her beauty. He wanted to love her.

But he couldn't.

She was in that world and he was in this world.

A/N please accept this as an apology of sorts for not updating.

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