Terminal Part 2

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Bucky was still in shock. After Natasha's little confession he hadn't been sure how to react. Thankfully the rest of the team had witnessed the whole thing via security footage and now she was set up comfortably in Stark's penthouse.

It had been 14 days. She could go at any minute and yet he still hadn't seen her. He was sitting with his back against the wall in his own wrecked room. How do you prepare for something like this? He hadn't been able to face her. As the time ticked down she'd gotten progressively worse, her body trying to cope with the sudden onrush of problems as the serum gave up. Bucky closed his eyes. It should've been him. He and Steve had serums that enabled them to withstand the temperatures of ice but not able to withstand the erosion of time. Natalia was different. Unfortunately her life was at an end. It was bound to happen, he just didn't think it would be so soon.

Clint stood in the doorway, his eyes red and puffy. His hands shook and he stuffed them into his pockets to hide them. "Has she gone?" His voice was barely over a whisper and cracked as the archer looked down at his feet.
"She's close. Really close." His voice trembled and tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. "She wanted to see you one last time before she, before she," he broke off, overcome with silent sobs. Bucky nodded but felt himself breaking. How could he face her if even now, with only Barton, he was a weeping mess. He wanted to be strong for her.

Clint just sniffled before shuffling off. Somehow Bucky found the energy to rise. He hesitantly took the elevator up to her room. Tony had renovated a whole floor for her and turned it into a sort of observation area. Bruce had set up monitors around the place so that they'd be alerted to any change in her condition. Just outside her room was a sort of sitting lounge where all the others were slumped, each one showing visible signs of misery. Even Vision, who claimed it was impossible to feel emotions. Steve looked up as he made his way to the door. He smiled supportingly. "It's only you left Buck. She's said all her goodbyes to us." The fact only made him more anxious.

She was propped on her pillows, her body perfectly healthy and not a day over 30. Her eyes however, they showed her true pain and history. The depth of them drowning him. She smiled wearily as he made his way over. "James." It was so quite he almost didn't catch it. He did though, and it started up a sheen of tears. She reached out a hand and he took it without pause. He could feel just how physically weak she was. He bit his lip in an attempt not to cry and she just rubbed her thumb in small, comforting circles on his hand. She patted the covers next to her and he crawled in wordlessly. She was cold. Too cold. He tucked himself around her hoping his body heat would warm her up. Her small form still fit perfectly in the crook of his arm, her vibrant curls splayed across his chest.

"I'm so sorry Talia, it's too soon." She smacked him lightly.
"Don't you dare blame yourself James or so help me I will come back just to kick your ass." He gave her a weak smile. "James, how old are you?" He frowned in confusion.
"101 this year. Why?"
"Well, theoretically you should be dead right?"
"Well, I suppose."
"Especially adding the fact that we weren't nearly as advanced in the 40s as they are now."
"Is there a point to this Talia?"
"The point James Buchanan Barnes, is that I am 91 this year, 10 years younger than you. And guess what mister, if we'd been living in the 40s without this serum then we'd both be dead so don't you dare tell me it's too soon." He lowered his head and she softened. "Besides, in our profession this is a much nicer way to go. I'm lucky to be surrounded by my family. Most of us don't get that luxury." He nodded.

"I'm trying to be strong Talia, I really am, but I guess you were always the stronger between us."
"And don't you forget it." He chuckled as tears slipped down his face. It was then he noticed that she was also crying.
"Hey baby, hey, it's going to be ok."
"I'm scared James. I'm scared." He closed his eyes as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
"I know doll, I know. But it's going to be ok. Look on the bright side, you can see your parents again. And you can join Peggy in watching over Steve's and mine dumb asses. And you can see Yelena. You can make things right with her again. It's all gonna be ok sweetheart, I promise. Just hold on until I get there too please."
"I expect to be waiting a good few decades then. Don't you dare think about going into a dark place James."
"Of course not Talia, of course not." He kissed her hair and rubbed her arms soothingly. Both still crying.

Natasha was overcome with a coughing fit that almost propelled her out of bed. But as she settled back into Bucky's arms he noticed the blood she was trying to wipe off her hands and onto the sheets. His heart sunk. Their time was almost up. "I love you doll." She looked up at him and placed a soft kiss on his jaw. She seemed to struggle internally for a minute before hesitantly whispering,
"I love you too." He stared at her in surprise and she felt a massive weight lift off of her shoulders. Tears streamed down her face as she smiled so widely. "I love you. I love you. I love you." She kept chanting the words over and over and was soon joined by Bucky who kissed away her tears, not that it did much since his fell equally as thickly.

She still smiled as she lifted her hand and grazed it against his cheek. He leant into it and smiled with her, although both faces were still wet with salty tears. He gently brushed a stray curl behind her ear and they fell into companionable silence, staring both lovingly and woefully into each other's eyes. Neither mentioned that it might be their last time. He cradled her closer to him, trying to protect her from the inevitable. Eventually Natasha broke the eye contact as she scooted down and lay her head against his chest, taking solace in his steady heartbeats. He stroked through her hair and settled down with her, both falling asleep. Her to his heart beat and him to her rattling breaths.

When he woke later he would realise he was no longer able to hear them.

A/N I think I broke myself with this so I apologise to all of you.

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