Red Solo Cups and a Protective (Boy)friend

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"You're an asshole." She slammed his car door shut and angrily marched up the lawn.

He rolled down the window and called after her, "love you too sweetheart." She whipped around and glared at him.

"Don't call me sweetheart Barnes."

"Sure thing doll." He winked and she groaned frustratedly.

"You're insufferable."

"And you're adorable. You're cute when you're mad." He stopped the engine and followed her towards the house. There were already people passed out and vomiting.

"Shove off Barnes." She pushed her way into the crowded living room where the music was the loudest and the crowd was the biggest.

"You can't avoid me forever." He called after her.

"Well I can bloody well try." She answered, disappearing into the throng of sweaty people.

"You know you love me!" He hollered, attracting a few stares.

Natasha rolled her eyes and muttered obscenities under the breath. That boy would be the death of her. She shoved through a group of giggling cheerleaders and headed straight towards Maria.

Meanwhile Sam clapped Bucky on the shoulder. "Man she just ain't interested. What's this, the twentieth time you've asked?" He groaned as Steve came up behind him and offered a plastic cup. He shook his head.

"Can't tonight, it's either me or Nat driving and she sure as hell ain't gonna stay sober."

"Fair point man. She's a reckless driver without the alcohol." All three recalled last summer and grimaced. How she got her license they'll never know.

The music was so loud Natasha could barely hear her own thoughts. The floor bounced with the vibrations and the smell of sweat and perfume choked the air. She and Maria were right in the middle, swaying their hips and tossing their hair. A couple boys tried to get lucky but soon caught on that they weren't interested. The meanest of the lot constantly tried to grind against Nat. It was his party and he'd planned to have her tonight.

"Hey Nat."

"What do you want Rumlow." She rolled her eyes as the girls once again cock blocked him.

"You baby." He tried to whisper seductively in her ear but with all the loud music and chatter of people he ended up shouting.

"Not. Interested." Maria grabbed her hand and they pushed further into the mass of hormonal teenagers.

It was loud. It was hot. It was sweaty. Both girls had stripped off their jackets and had sweat glistening off their bodies, their hair sticking to their face. Maria got a stitch in her side and gestured to the couch. She sank down into the leather and waved Nat off towards the kitchen. "Get us both a refill." Nat nodded and disappeared again.

The kitchen was cool and semi quiet. The music was still loud but the amount of people was down by about 70 percent. Natasha leant against the counter and welcomed the cold marble that soothed her sweaty skin. She was glad she didn't smell.

Rumlow slid her a small bottle of vodka. It was the shitty stuff you could by at Target or Wal-Mart but never the less Natasha cracked open the lid and took several swigs.

"Woah there doll, watch the liquor." Bucky walked into the kitchen to see Nat downing half a bottle of the cheap crap. He tried to push down the bottle but she swatted him away.

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