Chapter 2

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She loved so much
She lost herself.




I pulled up at work and grabbed my belongings before I stood into the building. The whole building was already busy, much to my surprise. Actually, this was all very much expected because it was in fact, a hospital and an infirmary. Nothing was every quiet, there wasn't even an hour where no one was working except of lunch time.

I just want the day to end to be honest, I hadn't seen Amelia for almost two days and I missed her so much. Occasionally.. rarely, Amelia spends a night or two at dad's because I sometimes need a break, or she willingly goes. She loves her poppy and my father showers her with nothing but love. She was the only grandchild in our family.

"Good morning, Doctor Carter."

"Morning, Julia." I smile back, "How are you today? Did you store the file away from last night?" I asked,

"I'm well Doctor Carter, and yes I have. They will be expecting to hear from you within a few days." She replied, "Speaking of, there is a visitor upstairs..." her facial expressions immediately dropped when she informed me. It was like as if she was horrified to tell me about this visitor. "Claims that she has an appointment booked with you in about fifteen minutes." She scoffed when she checked her wrist watch.

"No," I shook my head, "All my appointments are after twelve-pm. Have you checked on the system?" I grabbed the pen from the desk and signed in.

"Oh? Well she claims that she has one with you immediately. I've tried to convince her that you are not available but the woman is adamant! I've even checked, and as I've assumed, there was no appointment booked for her." She complained,

"It's fine Julia, I'll sort it out." I sigh as I dropped the pen after I scribbled my name onto the book, "You just get those files done, I'll call you when I need you." I smiled before I walked towards the elevator.

As I reached the elevator, my phone rang in my purse so I dug my hand in and reached out for it. It was a call from dad so I picked it up and answered.


"Hello, Lana. I'm sorry to give you such short notice but do you recall the patient I was talking about from one of the biggest successful companies across the city that wanted to visit your clinic?" Dad inquired,


"Yes, I've scheduled her appointment with you today, in about ten minutes. I'm sorry once again Lana." He apologies,

My mind settled from all the confusion, now I knew who the woman was that Julia was talking about.

"Yes dad, that's fine. I'll handle her... how is Amelia?" I asked,

Dad and I conversed about Amelia and her well-being before I cut the call and reached my floor. By the time I hung up, the elevator door opened and I stepped out and as soon as I stepped out, I was greeted by the one and only Riley, my best friend.

"Oh my god, there you are! Finally!" She exhaled, "Where the hell have you been, Lana Banana?" She scolded,

"It's only been a day and a half, I'm allowed to have time to myself." I say bluntly, "And stop calling me that." I scoffed,

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