Chapter 12

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It's terrifying to know,
that sometimes

- Perry poetry


"Lana, give me a chance. Please."

Work was extremely hectic today, as soon as I entered, everyone was rushing on their feet. It was like as if it was rush hour all day in the hospital. I had a number of patients see me today and they were just coming and going. Today was like a repeated cycle and the most dreadful thing I was about to face right now, at this moment was Stephan's question.

"Stephan... I'm extremely busy, as you can clearly see. Unless you're blind." I sighed as I tidied my desk for my next appointment, while a very impatient Stephan was leaning on my table pleading to me like a little boy would to his mother.

"Drop it Lana!" He growled frustratedly, "You know I'm not going to take no for an answer."

"But it's too soon!" I drop the paper and walk to him until I'm in front of him. "What can I do to change your mind? How about a day in? We'll watch a movie or we can order food?" I suggested, putting in my efforts to steer him away from his idea of us going on an official date, which I'm not quite sure I was ready for.

"I only ask for one night to spend at a restaurant with you, with very expensive food and wine, or champagne. Why is that so difficult to accept?" He asked with a frown, defeat visible in the tone of his voice which stabbed me in the gut. At that moment, I felt extremely guilty as I watch his defeated face.

"You know, expensive food and champagne will not change my mind." I snigger as I wrap my arms around his neck and bring my face closer to his. "Fine, I'll go on a date with you."

Instantaneously, his face brightened up with a huge grin that spread. His cheeks crinkled and his lips thinned while he gazed at me in disbelief, with the fact that I've finally accepted this date he wanted to take me on for months. I felt so bad because I realised how long it took me to accept, and it was not fair on Stephan to wait this long.

"Thank you Lana, you will not be disappointed. I promise you that!" He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulled me closer to him and locked my lips with his.

"Mhm.." I groaned as I push him away gently, we eventually descend from each other and I look at him in his eyes. "How are you so patient with me, Stephan? I mean, it took me months to agree to go on one date with you, meanwhile you could've spent that time with someone who is willing to go on a date with you, without you having to plead to them. I don't get it?" I shake my head in confusion as we lock gazes.

His face suddenly grew somber to the point where it intimidated me a little.

"Honestly speaking, I have no idea why I keep holding on to you. Yes, I admit there are times where I am beyond frustrated and just want to cut you off but, I have this gut instinct that I can't let you go..just yet. I feel as if that if I do, I will be in such a state and so will you. I can't do that to myself, especially not to you because as much as I want to deny it, for your sake, I have feelings for you that I cannot explain at all." He confessed,

My mouth parted a little at his confession that it bemused me. I was a little flustered because I had no idea Stephan felt this deeply for me, despite the fact that I, place in no efforts for him. My heart crushed at the thought of just dismissing Stephan all those times when he tried to make something out of us, meanwhile I saw nothing that could indicate an 'us'. Sadly despite all this, I stil felt like I couldn't reciprocate or maybe it was the mere fact that I needed more time.

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