Chapter 1

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The sound of video game controllers clicking and music blaring is what made me aware that I was the last one to Jason's house. I knew all my friends were already there, I could hear their laughing and loud chatter through my ears as I walked through the doorway.

Walking into the living room, I watched as Hunter turned his head to see what the noise was, only to see me in the doorway. He smiled at me and paused the game all the boys were playing, and they groaned.

"Hunter? Why did you-" That was when Jason turned and also saw me. "Noah! I didn't see you had arrived. What took you so long, man?"

I shrugged. My mom wanted me to drop my sister off at her friend's house, which was all the way across town. "Mom had me doing some things, man."

Jason chuckled and turned around to look at everyone else there. Evan, who was next to Hunter, was one of my good friends. Then Jack, who I get along with only because he's on my football team. Jason and Hunter are truly only two of a few guys on our football team that I actually like. I get along with the others, but not enough to hang out much after school.

Then there was Hunter. He's been my best friend since the second grade, and we've been attached at the hip since. Our parents know each other well enough that me and Hunter are like brothers to them.

Hunter looks at me and then laughs. "Well, are you ready to play some GTA?" he gives me one of his award-winning smiles, the kind he has given to so many girls over the years, and I melt a little on the inside.

I am gay. At least that's what I'm pretty sure I am. I've never been attracted to females like all my guy friends have. I have always found men much more appealing, but no one knows it but me. Not even Hunter.

But that's probably because he's the one that made me think I was gay in the first place.

I smirk at the group then. "Are you losers ready to play, or are you too scared that I'll beat all you're asses?" I grab a controller off of the chair and sit down next to the TV. All the guys follow and sit near me.

"Really, Noah? I think I'll be the one winning today." Hunter says as he resumes the game.


"Damnit! I could've fucking won that!" Jack shouts as he shoots up from the ground and walks into the kitchen. We all laugh and follow after him.

"Yeah sure, if you didn't suck so much." Jason says and we all laugh except Jack who glares at him.

"That's fucking gross, I'm not gay." He says which makes the others chuckle, and me force out a fake laugh. It was one of the reasons why I didn't like Jack. He was such a homophobic bitch.

"Alright guys, I gotta head home before my mom kills me. Says she wants me home before eight." I say to the guys.

"Me too, bro. Can you drive me home?" Hunter asks. I nod with a smile and turn back to the guys. "Alright. See you guys tomorrow."

Hunter walks out of the house and I follow him to my car. When we get in, he immediately turns on the air, and it blasts through the car as if it was a hundred degrees outside.

"Jesus, Hunter. You won't melt." I say to him as he fans himself.

"Yes I will. I'm so fucking hot." He says as he continues to fan himself and grabs a bottle of water from the backseat.

Of course your hot. Your Hunter fucking Adams

I try not to stare at him as sweat drips down his shirt. The sweat soaked through his shirt and you could very clearly see his abs. I diverted my eyes to the radio and tried to find a station. When I found one, I put my foot on the gas and drove out of Jason's garage and onto the road.

Sooner or later, I reach Hunter's house and I stop the car in front.
"Alright man, I'll see you tomorrow." He says as he walks away.

"Yeah, I'll see you."

He continues to walk up his driveway. I can perfectly see his ass from here, and I shamefully stare at it for a moment longer than necessary. When I finally snap out of my gaze, I look up to see Hunter staring at me from the top of his driveway. I feel my cheeks go red as I realize that he saw me staring. He raises his eyebrows at me, but then returns to his calm exterior.

I swear my heart is beating out of my chest, and I want to just drive out of there as fast as I can, but my feet are glued to the bottom of my car and won't move to the gas pedal. I don't think I'm blinking as we keep eye contact for what feels like forever.

It feels like forever when Hunter breaks the eye contact. He smirks at me, which makes my stomach do backflips, and then he does what I think almost killed my heart.

He winked at me.

I actually had to rapidly blink my eyes to make sure I had just seen this right. Did Hunter seriously just wink at me? Moving robotically, I lift my foot onto the gas pedal and drive home in silence as my mind reels over what just happened.


I walk into my house, my brain still on auto-function. I hadn't actually given my brain time to process anything, just shoving everything to the back of my mind.

Hunter just winked at me.

Hunter fucking Adams.

As I turn on my kitchen light, I am met by my mom, leaning against the counter. She was dressed in her pajamas, with her hair flowing around messily. She had a glass of orange juice in her hand, and from where I was standing, you could see her wedding ring sparkle in the light.

"Hey, mom." I said, the first time I allowed my brain to function.

"Hey, sweetheart. I was waiting for you to get home before I went to bed. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

I smiled at her as I took a bottled water from the fridge."I'm good, mom."

She tilted her head a tad, and narrowed her eyes at me. "Are you sure, Noah? You seem...flustered."

Immediately I blushed as the thought of Hunter winking at me came into mind. Mom must have seem this, because she smirked.

"Is it a girl?"

I almost chocked on the water I was drinking when she said that. My mom started laughing and my blush only grew deeper.

"It's uh, n-not about a girl, mom."

"Oh really? Hm, and here I was hoping." My mom brought the glass up to her lips and took a sip from her orange juice.

"Right. Well, I'm going to bed mom."

I heard her mutter a goodnight before I walked down the hallway. Immediately when I walked into my room, I fell on top of my bed, face first into the pillow. Yep, this is how I'll sleep tonight.

That night, I dreamt of Hunter Adams.


This chapter is kinda short, I'm sorry about that. Hopefully I can make chapters a bit longer.

Anyway, I'm thinking this is going to be a short story, since this is my first book on Wattpad. But I also kinda wanna go, fuck it, and put as much detail in as possible and write like 50 chapters.

I'm not sure, depends on how much stuff I can plan for this story. I already have a little ;)

Anyways, hope you all have a wonderful day.

Bye fellow Wattpadians :)

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