Chapter 18

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As you guys may or may not have guessed, this story will have a sequel! Although, the sequel can be read as a stand-alone, as it will not be about Hunter and Noah. They will be in it, but they will not be the main characters. I'll let you guys wonder what it will be about, but you may already know ;)

(Noah's POV)

Football has always been a good thing for me.

I have good friends because of the football team. Well, I don't exactly like the entire football team. But most of them are manageable. I have Hunter of course, as well as Jason, and occasionally Evan when he is near us. Jack is an asshole, and so are his little gang of buddies that follow him around everywhere. But we can avoid them.

The best thing about football by far for me, is just playing it. When I'm playing football, the adrenaline is coursing through me. I'm usually running from one end of the field to the other, or maybe we are practicing. Maybe I'm tackling someone, who knows.  It calms me down, and allows me time to keep all the big things on my mind from getting to me.

I know that if I continue with football, then I could have the chance to play it in college. I still have a year to go before then, since me and my friends are still juniors. But I would love to play for a college team, try to get my name out there.

College kinda scares me. I'm worried that me and Hunter won't go to the same college next year, and we won't be near each other. Maybe we will go to the same college, I'm not sure. I just know I want to be by him for a long time.

Speaking of Hunter, we still haven't come out yet. I'm not sure if Hunter is comfortable with it yet. And until he is comfortable with it, I will be with him only around friends. Cause they are the only people that know about us.

Our friend group is pretty awesome. It was just me, Hunter, Jason, and Clara, but that was all we needed. Both Jason and Clara were more than okay with I and Hunter's relationship. It made me wonder how I hadn't found them before now. Before them, I had the entire football team, and maybe someone now and again who would say hi to me. I also had all the girls that would fawn over me, but none of those people were ever friends.

The guys on the football team have become a little distant over the last few days, and I'm not sure why. I keep trying to remember if there was anything I had done in the last few practices to piss coach off, therefore making my teammates angry. But I couldn't think of anything. I had done all the drills correctly, and I had even gotten a praise from coach cause I was doing so well. Maybe that was why?

Either way, it didn't bother me too much. Jason was still a great guy to me, and so was Evan. Evan wasn't with us all the time, because a lot of the time he was hanging around the other guys. Just because he hung out with them, doesn't automatically deem him an asshole as well. I actually think his situation might be similar to how Clara's used to be.

Clara had been ignoring her friends for a while, even though they tried to get her attention, she just wasn't having it. Not that I was complaining, they were the worst friends for her. I guess you could say I was a little protective over her, she kinda reminded me of a sister.

"Mr. Chambers? Could you answer this question for the class?"

I looked up from being lost in my thoughts at the sound of my Health teacher staring at me, as well as the rest of the class. I looked at the board, noticing the question and smirking as I realized Mrs. Brown probably thought she was going to embarrass me by me not knowing the question.

"The nervous system, Mrs. That's the answer." I said. My smirk grew as I saw my teacher's grin turn into a scowl as she realized I wasn't going to embarrass myself.

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