Chapter 29

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I believe there is only one chapter left guys...!

(Noah's POV)

Hunter and I had football practice after school, the coach applauding us for winning our last game. Of course, he still made us do tons of stuff during practice, and now my entire body is sore.

We have our last game tonight, so the coach doesn't want us to mess up. I'm excited for this game, not going to lie. I love playing football.

At the end of practice, all of our team meets up in the locker room, which is where we wait for the opposing school to arrive before starting the game. We are playing the Hilton High School Cougars tonight. I think we have a pretty good chance of winning. Our team is good.

I sit over by Hunter, Jason, and Evan. All of us are already sweating due to our practice, even though it was a short one because of the game today.

"How are you guys doing?" Evan asks, looking between Hunter Jason and I. The rest of the football players chat amongst each other.

"Good. We are going to crush them." Hunter says. I frown.

"Don't get that cocky, babe. Although I think the chances of us winning is pretty good." I say, smiling brightly at Hunter.

Hunter rolls his eyes, but I can see the smile at the corner of his lips.

"I wonder if there are any scouts out there. For the senior football players." Jason asks, looking towards the seniors. Most of them were pretty good, I don't see why there wouldn't be any scouts.

I was about to respond when coach walked into the room.

"Alright boys, listen up. I trained you guys good for this. Don't think about the other team and how well they are doing. Focus on getting your team to victory, and work with your teammates. I don't want any disagreements out there, you hear me?" 'Yes coach' was said throughout the room, and the coach nodded. "Alright, lets do this!"

Cheers went through the locker room as we all got up out of our seats to head out to the field. Adrenaline was coursing through everyone's veins, and you could physically smell the high testosterone levels among our group. We truly were a group of football jocks.

~~~(AN: I can't write football games...)~~~

The whole team went running into the locker room, the smell of sweat everywhere it was almost intoxicating. The cheers and shouts from the football team were so loud, but none of us cared. We had won. I think that was reason enough for all of us to be cheering.

Everyone was getting changed out of their uniforms and showering, desperately trying to get the grass off of their bodies and the sweat off their foreheads. I, on the other hand, did not want to keep my mom waiting, so I decided I would shower at home.

Hunter told me that he had the same thought, so we waved and said our goodbyes to Evan and Jason before walking out of the locker room together.

Hunter put his hand in mine and leaned his head on my shoulder, smiling contently. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips.

"You're lucky I love you, no one else would be able to be near me if they were as sweaty as you."

Hunter's laugh fills the calm quiet. It truly is a beautiful sound. I don't think I could ever get tired of hearing it.

"You're lucky I love you, because you are sweaty also. There is no one else I would lean my head on when they were sweaty."

We walk in a comfortable silence, both of us content with just walking next to each other in silence.

Soon, we reach a corner of the school. I stop walking when Hunter brings me to him and brings my lips to his.

Immediately my hands go around his neck to bring his face closer to mine, if that was possible. We break apart and press our foreheads together. Despite how sweaty we are, I still find myself smiling.

"What was that for?" I ask, putting my hand back into his to continue walking.

"What? I can't just kiss my boyfriend for the fun of it?" He asks, a teasing smile on his lips. I rolled my eyes and smiled back at him.

We soon reached my mom and his parents, both of which parked next to each other. They were talking whilst leaning against their cars, but soon stood up once they saw us.

"Hey, sweetie. You guys did wonderful out there." Mom says, pulling me into a half hug so as not to get any of my sweat on her.

"I agree. You two did a good job." Hunter's dad said, smiling proudly at us. This made Hunter smile, and I know his father's approval of our relationship and Hunter as a whole meant a lot to Hunter.

"Now, I know you boys normally hang out after games, but Hunter I would like you to come home with us, okay? Let Noah get home and then when you want you can head over there." Hunter's mom said.

I was a little confused, but I just shrugged and said okay. I gave Hunter a peck on the cheek before heading with mom to her car and getting in the passenger's seat.

"Where's Marie at?" I asked, noticing that she was not in the backseat. Mom smiled at me.

"She's at a friends house. Listen Noah, can I talk to you about something?"

Mom sounded serious, which made me become serious as well. I nodded my head, and the air in the car became tense.

"Your father..." Mom began, sighing as if just trying to get the words out tired her out.

"What happened?" I said, getting worried that something bad had happened between the two of them. He was still roaming around town lately.

"He...left." She said, startling me.

"What do you mean?" I said, scanning her face for any clue as to what this was all about.

"He left, sweetheart. He, um...I guess decided that he would try and make a life for himself down somewhere in the southern states." She said, looking at me briefly to gauge my reaction.

"Oh." I said, not really sure how to respond. I wasn't too surprised. I figured dad would come here, not get what he was looking for and leave. But not necessarily leave the state. "How did you find out?"

"He left a note in the mailbox." She said. I sighed, leaning my head against the window.

"I'm sorry, Noah. That he didn't stay longer." Mom said, sounding like she blamed herself for my dad not staying with us.

"No, mom, don't blame yourself. And besides, I'm fine. If he doesn't want to stay, we won't make him. Good riddance."

Mom smiled, turning to look at me again before looking back at the road. I smiled back at her, and the rest of the way home was sat in a comfortable silence.


Wow is there really only one chapter left of this book? I feel like I've been writing it forever!

Qotc: How do you feel as of this moment?

Aotc: Honestly, tired.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

Bye fellow Wattpadians!

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