Chapter 8

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So this chapter is a little late cause my brother had to borrow my computer and use it for something, and I usually use my computer to update. But I have it back now, so I can update!
Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

(Noah's POV)

I was kind of nervous to walk into school today.

Okay, I was very nervous to walk into school today.

Hunter was there. How was I going to react to seeing him again after our conversation last night? How was he going to react to me?

Either way, I think I should play it cool. Just pretend like everything is normal. Cause overall, it is. He told me it was an accident, and I forgave him.

But I didn't forgive him. I wanted him to kiss me again. But he doesn't know that, and I definitely don't want him to know that. I would actually die on the spot. So, acting normal seems to be the best option here.

I sat down in my first hour, which was History. Hunter sits on the other side of the room, and I sit next to some of the guys. For whatever reason, the teacher decided to separate us when assigning seats. I mean, we aren't that loud around each other, I don't think.

I turned to Hunter once I sat down, and he was looking at me too. I smiled at him, something I would normally do. He returned the smile, and turned around to talk to another football player that sat next to him. I blushed, but it was very faint. Goddamnit.

"Hunter, huh?"

I jumped at the unexpected voice next to me. Turning, I saw it was Jason.

Jason Kendall is not the meanest football player out there. Me and Hunter are actually pretty good friends with him. But not close enough that I would tell him my biggest secret ever.

"Huh?" I was kinda confused by his question.

"You like him. Hunter." He said, as if it was the most normal thing to say ever.

I began to freak out. My insides turned to dust, making me temporarily frozen to my spot. My heart began to beat faster and I thought it would collapse. My brain turned to mush, and I could no longer think.

"I-um...what?" My brain wasn't being a very big help at the moment.

Jason patted my back. "You know it's not a bad thing, right? You can't help who you love."

I began to get my bearings back. "Oh yeah Jason, say it louder I couldn't hear you." I rolled my eyes, with slight panic in my voice. I didn't want anyone hearing us.

"Right, sorry." Jason whispered. He sat down next to me. He didn't look to be judging me, which is good. How did he figure out I was gay in the first place?

Jason seemed to read my thoughts. "I see the way you look at him all the time."

I stared at Jason. "Like...what?"

Jason shrugged. "Like you love him a lot more than friendly."

I lowered my head into my hands. He knew, which terrified me. But it made me feel a little bit better knowing that I could be myself around one person.

"Hey, it's okay. As I said, you can't help who you love. My cousin is bi." Jason said, with a little smile.

I looked at him. "Really?" He smiled and nodded at me.

"Yeah, he's dating this guy right now, and me and him get along great. I've never seen him happier."

I smiled. I wished I could have that with Hunter.

Jason looked back at me after seeming to be lost in thought, possibly about his cousin. "You don't have to worry about him you know. I think he could like you too."

I scoffed. "Why in the world would he like me back?"

Jason shrugged again. "Who says he doesn't?"

I rolled my eyes. "Him, actually. He kissed me, and told me after it was just an accident."

Jason rolled his eyes then. "That's the biggest load of shit I've heard all day."

I raised my eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?"

"Never mind." Jason sighed, "I have faith in you two, anyway."

I wasn't really sure what he meant by that, but I dropped it. "Jason, don't tell anyone, okay? I'm not out yet by any means."

Jason smiled. "You got it. If you don't want to be out, that's fine. It's your decision my dude."

I smiled at him and we turned around to the front of our seats as we watched the History teacher begin talking about History.

I tried to pay attention, really I did. I like keeping my good grades. But my mind kept wandering back to Jason. He has a relative who is bi, and he seems so comfortable with me being gay. I really hope he can hold up to his promise of not telling anyone. I trust him, but I'm preparing myself for the possible worst.


Arriving home, I noticed that there was a second car in the driveway. I frowned, normally the only car in my driveway when I come home is my mom's.

I parked my car and quickly grabbed my things and ran up to my door, that way I could see what was going on inside my house. If there was someone here trying to harm my mother or sister, they would have to go through me first.

I walked in the front door to see my mom first. She was standing on one end of the room, and a frown was on her face as well. She looked like she was very irritated, and I realized I interrupted a conversation.

"Um...sorry, I just-"

I was apologizing when I turned and saw who exactly my mom was talking to. He looked like he wasn't very proud of himself at the moment, given his situation. His hair was about as black as a raven's feathers, and his skin stood out against it as he stood facing my mother, and now turned at me. I hadn't seen him in years, yet he still looked the exact same to me.

I was staring directly into the face of a man I hadn't seen for the last seven years of my life.

I was staring at my father.

Sorry, I know this chapter is kinda short. But I really needed to get one out for you guys, with this chapter being late and all. Also it's short because I wanted this chapter to stop at a certain part, that way the next chapter would have plenty going on.

Anyways, I'm really sorry about the late update. I tried to update as quick as I could, but I just managed to get this chapter out before Wednesday. Just barely.

But hey, I'll be updating on Sunday again like normal so at least the wait between this chapter and the next one won't be too long.

Qotc: Who is your favorite character of this book so far?

Aotc: I love my main babies but ugh I love Brody so much, he's such a sweetheart and good guy.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Bye fellow Wattpadians!

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