(Hunter's POV)
I'll be honest, at first it was kinda hard to trust Clara.
I mean, she's been flirting and shit with the guy I love for a while now, why shouldn't I be wary of her?
Noah and her got on together quite well, actually. They almost had the same thinking sometimes, and I really could see them being best friends someday.
At first I was kinda jealous that he talked to her. He still talks to me a lot, I mean he is my boyfriend. I would be suspicious of her a lot. A thought came to me that she could be faking being gay to get to Noah. But then my mind caught up to me, because anyone paying attention would see just how much she liked Jessica.
Whenever Jessica would pass by us in the hallway, sometimes with her girlfriend and sometimes not, Clara would immediately stop what she's doing to watch her. She had this adoring look on her face, like looking at Jessica was like looking at an angel to her.
I knew then, once I saw this proof, that she wasn't faking. And then I began to trust her a bit more.
Talking to Clara was great. When you got passed all the fake personalities she put up around her other fake friends, she was a great person. She really liked listening to you rant if you had to. I would sometimes rant to her about football practice.
But yeah, it seems as if Noah and I have found a new person to add to our group of wonderful people we call friends.
There was me and Noah, obviously. Then there was Clara, and Jason. I was also cautious with Jason, cause I don't just trust anyone. But Jason was there for Noah when he needed to talk to someone about his "Hunter troubles" so I appreciate him for that.
Jason has also grown on me. He is a nice guy overall, and I've known him before me and Noah's relationship. It's nice knowing there is someone inside the football team that I can trust and knows all the details.
Speaking of me and Noah's relationship, we haven't gone on a date yet. I really want to take him on one, even if it's somewhere as simple as the movies. I want to do something for him.
I decided to call him to ask him on a date. Hopefully he doesn't have anything to do tonight.
The phone rang a few times before I heard my gorgeous boyfriend speak from the other side. "Hey, babe."
I smiled at his pet name. We've kinda gotten into calling each other pet names a lot over the last few weeks. Yes, you heard that right. We've been dating for a little over a month now.
"Hey. So, um, I was just wondering if...if you wanted to um..." I stuttered. I didn't feel scared when I thought about making the call, but now that I was actually going to say it i got really nervous. Since when am I nervous about something like this?
"If...I wanted to go on a date?" My boyfriend asked, sounding smug. I blushed, even though he couldn't see me. Only Noah could make me nervous and blush like that.
"Yeah. That is, if you want to?" I asked him.
"Hmmm." I heard from the other end. I rolled my eyes, but smiled. "I suppose I can take time out of my busy schedule to go on a date with you."
I smiled. "That's great, thank you for taking time out of such a time-consuming schedule for a date with me."
I heard Noah laugh over the phone. "You got it." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.
"I'm picking you up at seven, okay?" I asked.
"Yes, I'll be ready by seven. Bye, babe." I smiled and hung up the phone.
Now I need to get an outfit out. And call and make reservations... who knew dates took so much effort?
But I would do it for Noah.
I drove up to Noah's house and parked the car. I got out and got to the door and knocked on it, hoping his mom doesn't answer. I don't look too fancy, but nice enough that if I came looking for Noah she would wonder what we were going to go do.
I heard footsteps and the door opened. I smiled when I saw it was Noah. He looked hot, as always. He was wearing a navy blue polo shirt that was tight enough on him to show his muscles. Paired with that he had khaki pants that fit his form wonderfully.
"You look absolutely dashing." I said to him, winking. He blushed at my words and looked back before walking outside and shutting the door. He smiled and closed the distance between us as he gave me a kiss.
"So do you." He said, looking down my body. I was wearing a dark red flannel with black pants. As I said, fancy but not too fancy.
I gave him one last kiss on the cheek before taking his hand and leading him to my car. Once inside, I started the car and we began driving to the dinner I picked for us.
"You know, you never told me where we were going after dinner." Noah said to me. I glanced at him briefly before putting my eyes back on the road. I smirked.
"You're right, I didn't. It's a surprise." Noah rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless.
"Oh my god, you didn't." Noah said, looking from the building to me and back several times.
I smiled at him. "Well I knew you would like it so..."
Noah gaped at me. We were standing outside a video game arcade, but it wasn't just any arcade. This was probably the biggest arcade in town. Noah loved video games, so I thought I'd take him somewhere he can enjoy doing the thing he loves.
"You know I thought you were going to be all cliche and take me to a movie, but this is even better! Video games and my boyfriend." He said, walking closer to me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the top of his head.
"Happy date night, baby." I said, resting his head on my chest. He leaned into me and I saw him smile. Then he pulled my hand and tugged me toward the arcade.
"I love cuddling with you, but there are video games in there calling our names." He said excitedly. I allowed him to pull me into the arcade, laughing along with him.
I would probably be playing video games with him all night. But I am completely okay with that.
Someone get me a Hunter omg
Qotc: Hoodies, long sleeves, or short sleeves?
Aotc: I practically live in my hoodies
I hope you all liked this chapter!
Bye fellow Wattpadians!

Falling For My Best Friend
Teen FictionWhat's worse than being a guy in high school who figures out they are gay and they have a crush on another guy? Noah Chambers knows what's worse. Not only is he gay in high school, but he's the popular jock who has a crush on his best friend, Hunter...