Chapter 12

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(Noah's POV)

I really don't think Clara likes me all that much.

In fact, I think she may hate me. Though I don't know why.

It was just a normal day. Well, my normal was probably strange to other people, like when my heart shakes when Hunter smiles at me.

But I digress.

I was walking to my Chemistry class. The hallways were flooded with kids, all ranging from ages semi-idiot to complete idiot. I had my earbuds in, the music flooding my ears so loud it was like a tsunami, and all outside noises were drowned out.

I turned the corner at the end of the hallway, which brought me to a part of the school that has less people in it. The chemistry hallway always had less people in it than the other hallways. I mean, who wants to stay in the chem hall anyway?

I think I had passed the corner and was walking down the hall for a second, before someone shoved my arm, hard. I flew against the lockers, and one or two heads in the hallway turned to me with a cautious look. I don't usually get pushed into lockers.

I looked around for the culprit, only for my eyes to land on Clara, standing a few feet away from me. She had a smirk bigger than the sun, I swear. Her goonies were all standing behind her, watching her with an excited glance.

"Oops." Clara said, the smirk growing wider by the second. I should've pushed her then and there, but I wasn't going to push a girl. You just don't do that.

So I refrained from putting my thoughts into words, and watched as her and her little group of minions backed away from me, turning the corner of the hallway and disappearing from my line of sight.

The few heads that had turned in my direction had since turned back to their previous task, seeing as nothing serious was going to happen. Though I got a ton of curious glances as people wandered through the halls, wondering what the hell just happened.

Along with me.


I kept staring at Clara in Chem. What was up with her? Why did she suddenly dislike me? Is it because I wouldn't get with her? If it is, it's the most stupid reason I've ever heard someone use for pushing someone.

Though, she didn't do me any real harm, so maybe I should let it go.

"Why do you keep looking at her like that?"

I turned to my side to see Hunter curiously looking at me, occasionally turning his gaze to Clara and then back to me again.

My heart began beating faster when he talked to me. To be honest, I'm not sure how he hasn't picked up on my crush on him yet.

"Oh um... I don't know, she just kinda worries me."

I didn't tell him that Clara pushed me into the lockers. God, if I told him that he would probably try to hit her, girl or not. Hunter is really protective of me, and has been since the beginning of our friendship. He is always looking out for me, which is one of the reasons why I love him.

Hunter sighed and turned to look back at me, giving me his full attention.

"You'll be okay, Noah. You have me."

Before I could respond to him, I heard the chem teacher at the front call my name.

"Yes, Mr. Sanchez?"

Mr. Sanchez was a tall man, and was actually pretty young too. With his dark hair and piercing green eyes, he was not the type of man to mess with. He was greatly known for calling on random kids in class, especially the ones who didn't seem like they were paying attention. Like me, since Hunter decided to grace me with his speech.

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