Chapter 25

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Well, obviously at this point the book is going to have more chapters than I predicted it would have. Lmao I think that's a good thing.

(Hunter's POV)

After we were pushed out of the principal's office, we didn't hear from the principal for a while. Honestly, I thought we would never hear from him. I just didn't think the school would want to get involved.

Apparently I was wrong.

During fifth period, I was called down to the office along with Noah, Clara, Jason, and Jack.  I met up with my four comrades at the bathroom. Jason and Clara seemed super stoked, they believed Jack was going to get what was coming to him. Noah was nervous, so I was comforting him as best as I could.

Once we got to the office, we walked in and I noticed that Jack was there. He looked panicked, honestly. I wonder if he thought that the principal knows what he knows.

The secretary in the office orders all of us to find a seat and wait. It took a while, like twenty minutes. Eventually, the principal walked out of his room.

The principal had a stern look on his face, which could mean good or bad for us.

"I would like all five of you to come into my office, please." He said, turning around to head back into the room.

All five of us got up, and I noticed Noah looking more nervous than he was. I took his hand and smiled at him, and he smiled back at me.

"Fags." I heard Jack whisper, and I rolled my eyes while giving him the middle finger. Noah tightened his hold on my hand.

We all sit down, with Jack standing up at the corner of the room, seeing as there wasn't any space on the couch for him. Okay, there probably was. But did he want to sit there? No. Did we want him to sit there? No.

"Alright. lets get started." The principal sits down in his desk chair. He faces all of us. "I have listened to both of your stories. Jack, you claim that your football teammates forced you to do this, correct?"

I gaped at Jack as he nodded. The little fucker!

"And you boys, you claim Jack was the one who started all of this, correct?" The four of us nodded our heads.

"Well, obviously I need proof. I have interviewed some of the football players. One of them, whose name I will not mention, tells me the same story as the boys have, Mr. Taylor."

Jack scowls in the corner, and it is clear he did not think of this flaw in his plan.

"However, I also interviewed some football players who say the same thing as Jack. I needed more evidence. I looked at the cameras, and they reveal more than you have told me Jack."

I see panic cross Jack's face momentarily, before it is covered up by that emotionless mask of his.

"In fact, they reveal quite the opposite. You looked to be having lots of fun with putting that poster up. I also have video evidence of you being discriminatory to other students, as well as Hunter and Noah. I have tons of other students who have confessed to knowing about what you were going to do."

"Sir, I won't do it again. I promise." Jack looked the opposite of sincere when he said that.

"Mr. Taylor, I have all the evidence and proof to believe that you have been discriminatory to many students over your years here at my school. We do not tolerate discrimination in this building."

Jack took a deep breath and nodded his head.

"With all that said, you are expelled from this school Jack Taylor. I will call your parents to let them know about this, as well as have them pick you up if you cannot drive. You cannot come back here."

Deep panic crossed Jack's face, as well as anger. "What the fuck? You are siding with these fags!" Jack shouted at the principal.

"Mr. Taylor, lower your voice and watch your language. And I mean it, you are expelled."

Jack looked about ready to say something else before the principal cut him off by turning to us, "Jason, you did start a fight at this school. I can't let that go unpunished. You are getting one week of detention, starting tomorrow. My secretary will write you all a pass to go back to fifth hour, and please remain out of trouble. Thank you for your help in this."

Jason seemed satisfied with his punishment, and we all nodded before heading out the door.


I was probably smiling all day. I think we all were. The bastard finally had gotten what he deserved.

Now, Noah and I could act however we wanted around anyone.

Or could we?

This thought occurred to me towards the end of the day. I haven't come out to my family yet. Well, no one except Brody.

Should I? Am I ready for it?

Honestly, I wasn't sure how my family would react. But it seems everyone knows except them. They either find out from me soon, or, someone else would tell them. And it wouldn't be good.

"Hey, babe." Noah said as he ran up to me, snapping me out of my train of thought. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek, which I no longer felt nervous to do.

Noah gazed at me for a moment before saying, "What's wrong?" with a concerned expression on his face.

I shook my head. "Nothing is wrong. Do you want to spend the night tonight?"

Noah didn't look convinced, but seemed to put it off to the side, for now. "You know I'm always coming over to your house at random times."

I smiled. "You're right about that."


"I want to come out to my mom and dad." I told Noah as I was driving the two of us to my house. I saw Noah's head turn towards mine.

"Do you want to do that tonight?" He asked, and I nodded. "I can be there to help you. And you know Brody will be there to help you as well."

I smiled and grabbed Noah's hand, squeezing it in my own. "This is one of the reasons why I love you."

Noah smiled. "I love you too."

When I turned into our driveway, I saw Brody standing near the door. He looked kind of mad, and that worried me.

"Brody?" I said as I stepped out of my car. Brody started walking towards us. His frown soon turned into a smile and he hugged me once he got to me.

"I cannot believe you had this whole situation with Jack Taylor and didn't think to tell me! I would've punched his fucking eyes out you know."

I glanced over at Noah and saw him laughing. I chuckled to myself and wrapped my arms around my brother as well. "There are some things I can deal with by myself."

"I'm proud of you two, ya know." He said, smacking me on my head lightly. "Not everyone can go through what you two have been through."

I smiled at my brother. "Well, I hope you love me lots because I kind of need your help tonight bro."

Brody looked at me with a curious expression. "That is?"

I took a deep breath and looked over at Noah who gave me an encouraging look. "I want to come out to mom and dad. Tonight."


Whooooppppp it looks like this chapter is ending on a bit of a cliffhanger.

Qotc: What is your favorite app?

Aotc: Probably Twitter. Or Spotify. Or Wattpad! Since I'm on it right now.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Bye fellow Wattpadians!

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