Chapter 26

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Ughhhh this chapter is soooo late! I'm sorry my children : (

I have been on vacation this week so safe to say I haven't had much time to write. But I just finished a long week of vacation and I am now writing!

On that note, enjoy the chapter!

(Hunter's POV)

I was going to come out to my parents tonight.

I can feel my entire body disagreeing with my decision. But if I don't come out to my family soon I never will. I need to do this.

Brody already knows, so that makes everything a tad bit easier. I will have him there with me. My boyfriend will also be there with me, raising my confidence for me without even knowing that he's doing it.

All will be okay.

All will be okay.


Noah, Brody and I walk into my house. Immediately upon walking in I can smell my mom's cooking. She must be cooking something big, if she's already started dinner two hours before dinner actually is.

"Hey, mom!" I call, walking further into the house in hopes that she will hear me. She does, and she sticks her head out from the kitchen to eye me and Brody before her gaze lands on Noah.

"Hunter! You didn't tell me you were inviting Noah. Now I'll have to make an even bigger dinner."

I chuckled. "What are you making?"

"I'm making spaghetti and meatloaf. The kind grandma always makes, remember?"

She heads back into the kitchen. Grandma had taught mom all her cooking ways, so now mom was one of the best cooks in our neighborhood. I loved the spaghetti and meatloaf mom was talking about, and Noah would be glad to know he was staying on the night that mom decided to make a huge meal.

It makes me wonder though, why exactly she's making a huge meal. It's only a weekday.

Either way, I walk to my room where I knew Noah had walked to while I was talking to my mom. I enter my bedroom and see Noah looking at his phone, and I walk over to him.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Reading the messages from Jason and Clara. Look at the groupchat."

I pull my phone out of the zippered pocket of my Adidas joggers and smile as I see my lockscreen, a picture of Noah, Clara, Jason, and I. We took it in front of some mirror we had seen at the mall while passing through Forever 21.

I open my text messages to see a few from Jason and Clara on the groupchat. I smile at the two of them. I love my friends.

4 People
Three Gays and a Straight

Clara:   I know u guys will be fine. You'll do great Hunter, and if they give u shit u can always live with Noah and I'll slap them to Mars.

Jason:  you'll slap them? I'd like to join, please.

Clara:  only if they are supreme shitheads.

Jason:  least you'd get more action Noah ;)

Noah:  my sex life will nOT be discussed in this group chat.

Jason:  your right. There isn't one to discuss.

Noah:  I wouldn't be too sure about that...

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