(Noah's POV)
As soon as Hunter's lips landed on mine, I was shocked.
Like completely shocked. So shocked, I forgot to reciprocate.
Which, fuck me, was a bad mistake.
Hunter immediately pulled away, once he figured out I wasn't reciprocating. Fuck, why can't I just show my emotions?
Hunter cleared his throat. "Um...so...."
We fell into a silence.
Hunter cleared his throat again. "Um, I'm-uh...sorry."
Hunter started leaving the bathroom, but I didn't want him to leave. Not yet, anyway.
"Hunter, wait."
Hunter did not stop. He just walked right out the bathroom, leaving me to deal with my emotions alone.
"Fuck..." I can't believe that just happened, why did I not kiss him back?
"Fuck!" I slammed my fist against the wall, which was such a stupid idea. I held my knuckle, because it was practically broken. But the pain from that was able to distract me from the pain I felt in my heart.
I ditched school early that day. I couldn't take being near Hunter that day, knowing that we were in a bad place because of the kiss.
Oh god, because of a kiss. We had actually kissed. It felt good, for as long as it lasted. I wanted it again, too. But I couldn't get that luxury.
I drove all the way home, where I saw my mothers car in the driveway. And then it completely hit me, that my mom would not be very happy that I ditched school. But I would live through it.
I grabbed my school bag and hopped out the car, and opened the front door. First thing I saw walking in the house was my sister sitting on the living room floor, playing with one of her Barbie dolls or whatever. I could see my mom on the couch watching TV, who had looked up when the door opened.
"Oh my god Noah, what are you doing home so early?"
My mother ran up to me, and inspected me. She noticed the blood on my knuckle, and immediately grabbed it.
"Noah, what happened to your hand? Did you get into a fight?"
I sighed. "No. I, um, I hit a wall. Accidently, of course. I'm fine, mom."
She looked up at me as if I was insane. "You're not fine, Noah. You're hand is bleeding! I'll go into the kitchen and get some things to clean it, you stay here."
My mom left the room. I looked down at Maria, who was looking up at me, too.
"Why is your hand like that, Bubby?"
Maria had gotten used to calling me 'Bubby'. But, I guess it just stuck.
I kneeled down in front of her. "Bubby hurt is hand. But I will be fine, don't worry Marie."
Also another thing that stuck. I would always call her Marie, and she would always call me Bubby. She'll probably still be calling be Bubby when I get married.
My mother returned from the kitchen with a wet rag and a first aid kit. She sat me down on the couch and used the rag to clean up the blood, and some medicine in the first aid kit to make my hand feel better. She then bandaged it for me.
"There, now I can rest easy knowing your hand is okay. Would you like me to get some water for you, sweetie?"
"Uh, yeah sure mom. Thank you."

Falling For My Best Friend
Fiksi RemajaWhat's worse than being a guy in high school who figures out they are gay and they have a crush on another guy? Noah Chambers knows what's worse. Not only is he gay in high school, but he's the popular jock who has a crush on his best friend, Hunter...